• carbon emissions trading 碳排放权交易

    21-01-08 1月5日,生态环境部发布《碳排放权交易管理办法(试行)》,将于2月1日起实施。这是第一次从国家层面,将温室气体减排的责任压实到企业。 The Ministry of Ecology and Environment on January 5 rolled out interim rules for carbon emissions trading management, w...

  • 中国CO2监测卫星与世界分享数据

    18-05-29 Chinas carbon dioxide monitoring satellite TanSat has 75 data users worldwide, according to the website of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. 中科院官网显示,中国CO2监测卫星TANSAT在全世界有75个数据用户。 The 620-kg satellite received 11,000 data order...

  • 真想拯救地球?不生孩子

    17-08-04 By not having a child, the carbon footprint of an individual living in a developed country would be reduced on average by an extra 58.6 tons of carbon dioxide every year, based on current emission rates. 按照现在的排放速率,每少生一个孩子,发达国家...

  • 近年全球珊瑚白化问题空前严重

    17-04-15 Unprecedented coral bleaching in consecutive years has damaged two-thirds of Australias Great Barrier Reef, aerial surveys have shown. 航空勘测发现,近年连续发生的珊瑚白化问题空前严重,澳大利亚三分之二的大堡礁已遭到重创。 The bleaching - or loss of...

  • 珠穆朗玛峰冰川或将发生巨大变化

    15-05-28 If greenhouse-gas emissions continue to rise, glaciers in the Everest region of the Himalayas could experience dramatic change in the decades to come. A team of researchers in Nepal, France and the Netherlands have found Everest glaciers could be ve...

  • 普通粘土吸收CO2的能力与高级材料相当

    15-04-09 Carbon capture will play a central role in helping the nations of the world manage and reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. Many materials are being tested for the purpose of capturing CO2. New results show that ordinary clay can work just as effe...

  • 温暖的太平洋可能释放数百万吨海底甲烷

    14-12-10 Off the West Coast of the United States, methane gas is trapped in frozen layers below the seafloor. New research from the University of Washington shows that water at intermediate depths is warming enough to cause these carbon deposits to melt, rel...

  • 2014碳排放预计削减1.25亿吨

    14-12-09 Emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) will be cut by some 125 million tons this year, a United Nations (UN) official said Monday. 一位联合国官员周一表示,今年二氧化碳的排放量将会削减大约1.25亿吨。 Speaking at a UN climate change conference in Lima, Lila...

  • 温室气体与非洲湿润期

    14-12-08 Scientists may have solved a long-standing enigma known as the African Humid Period -- an intense increase in cumulative rainfall in parts of Africa that began after a long dry spell following the end of the last ice age and lasting nearly 10,000 ye...

  • 联合国赞扬中美温室气体排放协议

    14-11-13 U.N. Chief Ban Ki-Moon is praising the new pledge made by China and the United States to limit greenhouse gases. 联合国秘书长潘基文对中美达成限制温室气体排放的保证表示赞扬。 At the same time, Ban Ki-Moon is calling on the rest of the world to follow...