• 德国政府研讨会摆“素宴”引不满

    17-03-06 Politicians stormed out of a buffet at a German government symposium on exporting green technology in Berlin this month when meat was not served, a media report said on Saturday. 据媒体上周六报道,2月在柏林举行的出口绿色技术的政府研讨会上,会议自助...

  • 中国政府向海外非政府组织颁发证明

    17-01-24 The Chinese government has issued registration certificates for over 30 offices of NGOs from Hong Kong, Taiwan and a number of foreign countries. 中国政府向香港、台湾以及国外超过30多家非政府组织代表处颁发了登记证明。 A certificate issuing ceremony w...

  • 中国政府将简化39项行政审批程序

    17-01-22 The State Council, Chinas cabinet, will abolish another 39 items of administrative approval to streamline the economy. 中国国务院将废除39项行政审批程序以促进经济发展。 Another 14 items will be abolished after amendments to the law by the Standing Co...

  • 阿达玛·巴罗宣誓就职冈比亚总统

    17-01-20 Adama Barrow was sworn in as Gambian president on Thursday at the Gambian embassy in Dakar, capital of Senegal. 本周四,阿达玛巴罗在塞内加尔首都达喀尔的大使馆宣誓担任冈比亚总统。 Barrow, who officially became the third head of state of his country,...

  • 黎巴嫩新政府成立

    16-12-19 A new Lebanese government, headed by Prime Minister Saad Hariri, was announced Sunday night. 上周日晚,以总理萨阿德哈里里为首的黎巴嫩新政府宣告成立。 Fouad Fleifel, secretary general of the council of ministers, read the decrees of the formation aft...

  • 特丽莎·梅成英国新首相

    16-07-14 Britains new Prime Minister Theresa May arrived at Downing Street on Wednesday after gaining consent from Queen Elizabeth II. 英国新任首相特丽莎梅得到女王伊丽莎白二世首肯之后于周三入主唐宁街。 Speaking outside Downing Street, she said she would lead...

  • 常见贪腐行为

    16-07-07 公车私用 personal use of public vehicles 隐瞒不报个人事项 failure to report personal matters,such as true income, assets, children and marriages 出入高档会所,私人会馆 frequent visits to private clubs or expensive resorts 家风败坏 indulging in corru...

  • children living in difficulty 困境儿童

    16-06-28 The central government on Thursday issued a guideline on taking better care of children who live in difficulties due to poverty, disabilities or lack of custody. 国务院周四(6月16日)发布了加强困境儿童的保障意见,这些儿童多由于贫困、残疾或者监护缺失...

  • the pain points for people's livelihoods 民生痛点

    16-04-28 On Sunday, Premier Li Keqiang participated in a panel discussion of the Shandong provincial delegation at the current session of the 12th National Peoples Congress to review the Government Work Report. During the discussion, Li pointed out that the...

  • gated residential community 街区制

    16-04-27 A recent central government guideline on urban planning has sparked heated debate among Internet users over opening up gated residential communities to public road system, with an online poll showing that a majority of participants oppose it. 近日中...