• 地下水的开采率正在增长

    14-07-19 In what parts of the world and to what degree have groundwater reservoirs been depleted over the past 50 years? The Frankfurt hydrologist(水文学者) Prof. Petra Dll has been researching this using the global water model WaterGAP. She has arrived at...

  • global weirding 全球异常

    14-05-21 It could be colder, it could be drier, it could be wetter, it could be warmer. If you cant exactly point to the climate changes as evidence of global warming, perhaps you can call it global weirding . 气候可能会更冷,可能会更干旱,可能会更潮湿,也可...

  • 中国对黄金的需求将增长20%

    14-04-15 China's demand for gold is set to rise by about 20% over the next few years, the World Gold Council has estimated. 世界黄金协会预计,中国在未来几年内对于黄金的需求将增长20%。 China's demand for gold shows no sign of letting up The council estimates...

  • 全球变暖并非自然原因

    14-04-15 An analysis of temperature data since 1500 all but rules out the possibility that global warming in the industrial era is just a natural fluctuation in the earth's climate, according to a new study by McGill University physics professor Shaun Lovejo...

  • 气候变化下为生物多样性寻找安全港

    14-01-14 Researchers have found a way to project future habitat locations under climate change, identifying potential safe havens for threatened biodiversity. Associate Professor Grant Wardell-Johnson and Dr Gunnar Keppel from the Curtin University Institute...

  • 2100年地球气温将至少上升4°C

    14-01-05 科学家估计,如果不减少二氧化碳排放,2100年地球平均气温将至少上升4摄氏度,到2200年会上升8摄氏度,无疑是地球灾难性的噩梦。 According to a December 31 news release from the University of New South Wales, scientists estimate that by 2100, global average...

  • 氧气、磷与地球早期生命

    13-11-18 Two billion years ago Earth system was recovering from perhaps the single-most profound modification of its surface environments: the oxygenation of the atmosphere and oceans. This led to a series of major changes in global biogeochemical cycles, as...

  • 全球降水量与全球变暖之间的关系

    13-11-13 The rain in Spain may lie mainly on the plain, but the location and intensity of that rain is changing not only in Spain but around the globe. A new study by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory scientists shows that observed changes in global (oc...

  • 海洋吸收了地球部分多余热量

    13-11-01 A recent slowdown in global warming has led some skeptics to renew their claims that industrial carbon emissions are not causing a century-long rise in Earth's surface temperatures. But rather than letting humans off the hook(摆脱困境) , a new stu...

  • 全球变暖加强了厄尔尼诺现象

    13-10-15 Scientists say they are more certain than ever about the impact of global warming on a critical weather pattern. 科学家们称,关于全球变暖对天气模式的影响,他们的认识比以往任何时候都要明确。 The El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) occurs in the Pacif...