• go global 走出去

    12-08-28 Some top non-State companies exchanged views on their go global strategies in Zhuhai, Guangdong province, over the weekend. 一些民营企业高层上周六在广东珠海就走出去战略交换了意见。 文中的go global strategy就是指走出去战略,也就是开拓海外市场,去海外...

  • IMF降低全球经济增长预期

    12-07-06 International Monetary Fund (IMF) chief Christine Lagarde has said that the organisation's next forecast for global economic growth would be down from the 3.5% predicted in April. 国际货币基金组织主席克里斯蒂娜拉加德称,其组织对全球经济增长的预期将...

  • 2020年高校毕业生将出现缺口

    12-07-01 By 2020, there will be about 38 million to 40 million too few college and university graduates to satisfy the demands of the global labor market, a report issued this month has found. 本月公布的最新报告显示,到2020年,高校毕业生的数量将无法满足就业...

  • 地球工程将影响大气降水

    12-06-07 A geoengineering solution to climate change could lead to significant rainfall reduction in Europe and North America, a team of European scientists concludes. The researchers studied how models of Earth in a warm, CO2-rich world respond to an artifi...

  • 海草能吸收与森林等量的碳元素

    12-05-24 Seagrasses are a vital part of the solution to climate change and, per unit area, seagrass meadows can store up to twice as much carbon as the world's temperate and tropical forests. So report researchers publishing a paper this week in the journal...

  • 全球“游牧民”与唯物主义

    12-04-17 Is John Lennon's line imagine no possessions not as idealistic as it once seemed? According to a new study in the Journal of Consumer Research, globalization has led to a new class of global nomads (游牧民) who are less attached to material object...

  • 改装市区环境以减少CO2排放

    12-04-15 Imagine a world where the rooftops and pavements of every urban area are resurfaced to increase the reflection of the Sun's light rays. Well, this is exactly what a group of Canadian researchers have simulated in an attempt to measure the potential...

  • 全球股市跌宕起伏规律之探究

    12-04-06 Researchers have found a way to measure the likelihood of global stock market losses by identifying periods in which shocks may be more likely to spread across many national markets. This fragility index identifies periods in which international equ...

  • CO2含量升高似乎导致冰川消退

    12-04-06 Many scientists have long suspected that rising levels of carbon dioxide and the global warming that ended the last Ice Age were somehow linked, but establishing a clear cause-and-effect relationship between CO2 and global warming from the geologic...

  • 全球海平面未来将上涨70英尺

    12-03-22 Even if humankind manages to limit global warming to 2 degrees C (3.6 degrees F), as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change recommends, future generations will have to deal with sea levels 12 to 22 meters (40 to 70 feet) higher than at presen...