• 中国贸易增长势头放缓

    11-10-13 China's trade growth slowed in September, raising fresh concerns about the impact of a global slowdown on its economy. 中国九月份贸易增长缓慢,引发了全球经济放缓影响中国经济的担忧。 Exports rose 17.1% in September, from a year earlier, but fell from...

  • 南亚城市空气质量全球最差

    11-09-30 Cities in Iran, India, Pakistan and the capital of Mongolia rank among the worst on the planet for air pollution, while those in the US and Canada are among the best, according to the first global survey, released Monday by the World Health Organiza...

  • 全球变暖使动物数量下降

    11-09-29 The way in which global warming causes many of the world's organisms to shrink has been revealed by new research from Queen Mary, University of London. Almost all cold-blooded organisms are affected by a phenomenon known as the 'temperature-size rul...

  • 调查:通勤痛苦指数

    11-09-17 Commuters in Toronto and Montreal may spend a lot of time in their cars, but a new survey shows they have a relatively stress-free commute compared with others. 多伦多和蒙特利尔的通勤上班族花在路上的时间可能就不短了,但一项最新调查表明,和其它城市相...

  • 科学家计划用氦气球为地球降温

    11-09-17 来自英国牛津、剑桥、布里斯托以及爱丁堡等四所大学的科学家目前正在进行一项改变气候工程,计划将一个巨型氦气球投放在空中,通过软管向其输送化学粒子,希望这些粒子可以将太阳光反射回太空从而达到为地球降温的效果。 Floating 12 miles above our heads, this Wemb...

  • 瑞士全球竞争力居首位

    11-09-11 The US has tumbled further down a global ranking of the world's most competitive economies, landing at fifth place because of its huge deficits and declining public faith in government, a global economic group said Wednesday. 一个全球经济组织周三称...

  • 地球两极飞行产生大量温室气体

    11-09-08 A three-year series of research flights from the Arctic to the Antarctic has successfully produced an unprecedented portrait of greenhouse gases and particles in the atmosphere, scientists announced. The far-reaching field project, known as HIPPO, i...

  • 气候变化似乎能诱发战争

    11-08-25 In the first study of its kind, researchers have linked a natural global climate cycle to periodic(周期的) increases in warfare. The arrival of El Nio, which every three to seven years boosts temperatures and cuts rainfall, doubles the risk of civ...

  • 某些鲔旗鱼类濒临灭绝

    11-08-16 A global study by an international team including professor John Graves of the Virginia Institute of Marine Science has found that several species of tunas(金枪鱼) and billfishes(长嘴鱼) are threatened and in need of further protection. The team...

  • 美国稳定利率 亚洲股市开始反弹

    11-08-10 Asian markets have rebounded after the US Federal Reserve said it would keep interest rates on hold. 美联储宣布将保持利率稳定,亚洲股市因此反弹。 The decision by the US central bank to keep rates at current levels until at least 2013 helped stem one...