• 基因筛选有助致病菌的甄别

    09-11-27 Whitehead researchers have developed a new type of genetic screen for human cells to pinpoint specific genes and proteins used by pathogens(病原体), according to their paper in Science. In most human cell cultures genes are present in two copies:...

  • 实验:基因剔除白鼠容易兴奋

    09-11-14 Removing the PKCI/HINT1 gene from mice has an anti-depressant-like and anxiolytic(抗焦虑药)- like effect. Researchers writing in the open access journal BMC Neuroscience applied a battery of behavioral tests to the PKCI/HINT1 knockout animals, con...

  • 'Gene cure' for colour blindness “基因疗法”治色盲

    09-09-17 Scientists say they are a step closer to curing colour blindness using gene therapy. 科学家称,他们利用基因疗法治疗色盲的方法更进了一步。 A person with normal colour vision will be able to see the eye in this image A US team were able to restore ful...

  • Gene find 'may curb lung mucus' 基因发现有助于肺病治疗

    09-09-15 A genetic breakthrough raises hope of easing suffering for people with chronic lung disease - and maybe those just fighting a common cold. 一项基因研究突破激起了慢性肺病患者减少痛苦的希望,甚至对普通感冒可能也会有所帮助。 Cystic fibrosis can be dead...

  • Genes blamed for early first sex 研究:过早接触性与基因有关

    09-09-15 The fact that children raised in homes without a dad have sex earlier is down to their genes, say US researchers. 美国研究人员称,没有父亲的家庭中长大的孩子过早接触到性是由于他们的基因问题。 Early education about sex and relationships is key, say ca...

  • Killer genes cause potato famine 致命基因导致马铃薯疫病

    09-09-10 The killer mould behind potato blight has a giant genome, say scientists. 科学家称,导致马铃薯疫病的霉菌有一组巨大的基因。 About one million people died in the famine in the 1840s and 50s Potato blight was a major cause of the mid-19th Century Irish...

  • Alzheimer's genes link uncovered 老年痴呆关键基因被发现

    09-09-07 Two potentially key genes linked to the development of Alzheimer's disease have been uncovered by UK researchers. 英国研究人员发现与阿尔茨海默氏病发展有联系的两个潜在关键基因。 The number of people with Alzheimer's disease is set to grow It is the f...

  • Monkeys booze because of genes 猴子豪饮,只因基因

    09-08-18 A study has shown that having a particular gene variant causes some macaque monkeys to drink more alcohol in experiments. 一项调查显示,拥有不同的基因变体促使一些短尾猴在实验中喝下很多酒。 Macaques varied in their reactions to consuming alcohol The...

  • Child leukaemia 'genes' revealed 导致儿童白血球过多症的“基

    09-08-17 Genetic flaws that increase the risk of the most common form of childhood leukaemia have been uncovered by British scientists. 英国科学家发现导致儿童时期最普遍的白血球过多症风险的基因缺陷。 Leukaemia is the most common childhood cancer The three var...

  • Flawed gene link to ovary cancer 基因缺陷或导致卵巢癌

    09-08-03 Scientists have identified a genetic flaw which can increase the risk of ovarian cancer. 科学家发现了一个可能导致卵巢癌的基因缺陷。 Over 4,000 UK women die from ovarian cancer each year The international team of researchers, led by UK scientists, lo...