• 科学家发现控制基因表达新方法

    11-03-06 Dr. David Levin, Professor of Molecular Cell Biology at Boston University Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine and Professor of Microbiology at Boston University School of Medicine discovered recently a novel, evolutionarily conserved mechanis...

  • 科学家发现决定鼠类肤色的基因

    11-02-25 Scientists at Harvard University are moving closer to answering some age-old questions. How did the leopard get its spots? How did the zebra get its stripes? The answer may be a gene called Agouti, which the Harvard team has found governs color patt...

  • bcl3基因可保护肺部免受损伤

    11-02-09 Lung injury is a common cause of death among patients with pneumonia, sepsis(败血症) or trauma and in those who have had lung transplants. The damage often occurs suddenly and can cause life-threatening breathing problems and rapid lung failure. T...

  • 细菌可以改变自身基因以适应环境

    11-01-31 Scientists at the Institut Pasteur and the University of Maryland have revealed how bacterial and archaea(古生菌) microbes successfully evolve their gene repertoires(全部节目) to face new challenges, predominantly by acquiring genes from other i...

  • 阻止某基因可使大部分癌细胞停止扩散

    11-01-25 Scientists at the University of East Anglia (UEA) have discovered a rogue(凶猛的) gene which if blocked by the right drugs could stop cancer in its tracks. Published today by the journal Oncogene, the discovery is a breakthrough in our understandi...

  • 不会传播禽流感的转基因鸡培育成功

    11-01-14 Chickens genetically modified to prevent them spreading bird flu have been produced by researchers at the Universities of Cambridge and Edinburgh. The scientists have successfully developed genetically modified (transgenic) chickens that do not tran...

  • 某蛋白质可保护寄生虫免受宿主伤害

    10-12-29 Researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have learned why changes in a single gene, ROP18, contribute substantially(实质上,大体上) to dangerous forms of the parasite Toxoplasma gondii(弓形虫) . The answer has likely...

  • 野草莓基因族被成功定序

    10-12-27 Researchers at Oregon State University have helped sequence the genome of a wild strawberry, laying the groundwork(基础,地基) for genetic improvements to related fruits like apples, peaches and pears. The advance was published today in the journa...

  • 寻找新方法治疗环境性疾病

    10-12-24 Researchers at the University of Exeter have developed a new approach to studying potentially deadly disease-causing bacteria which could help speed up the process of finding vaccines. Dr Andrea Dowling, from the Centre for Ecology and Conservation...

  • 某脑部基因可控制性别改变

    10-12-23 Australian scientists have discovered that changes to a gene involved in brain development can lead to testis(睾丸) formation and male genitalia(外生殖器) in an otherwise female embryo. Lead Melbourne researcher Professor Andrew Sinclair, of the...