• 美国科学家用新疗法成功让中年老鼠变年轻

    22-03-09 自古以来,长生不老就是人类的终极梦想,而生物科技的不断突破让我们距离这个梦想越来越近。美国科学家最近用新疗法成功让中年老鼠变年轻,其中皮肤和肾脏的回春迹象最为明显。 Researchers in the US treated healthy mice with a form of gene therapy that refreshe...

  • 基因沉寂药物有望改善卟啉病患者生活

    21-11-22 一种利用基因沉寂技术的创新型药物有望被纳入英国国民医疗体系(NHS),用来治疗那些生活在极度病痛中的人。该药物可以治疗急性间歇性卟啉病,这种遗传性疾病可导致人们无法工作或正常生活。 Porphyria can be so painful that people take potent opioid painkillers...

  • 人体生物钟之谜

    21-04-07 人体内有一个独特的生物钟,来适应地球的昼夜变换。它在一天之中的不同时段,对我们的生理功能进行着非常精准的调节,这个生物钟到底是如何工作的?2017年诺贝尔生物学奖获得者们通过分离基因,为我们揭示了到底是什么样的机制使得细胞内的生物钟持续工作。 We spend a...

  • 中国科学家发现调节灵长类生长和寿命的基因

    18-08-23 Chinese scientists have identified a gene playing an important role in regulating the development and lifespan of primates through genome-editing technology and experiments on monkeys and human stem cells. 中国科学家通过基因组编辑技术以及在猴子和人...

  • 中国科学家发现盐碱地水稻增产的基因

    18-04-09 Chinese scientists have found a gene that can help reduce the effect of soil salinization on rice yields. 中国科学家已发现一种基因可以减少盐碱地对水稻产量的影响。 The gene, named STRK1, is crucial in reducing the harm caused by high salt infiltratio...

  • 郭德纲《祖宗十九代》春节上映

    18-02-09 Well-known Chinese comedian Guo Degang will launch his directing debut, The Face of Gene, during the upcoming Spring Festival holiday. 中国著名戏剧演员郭德纲的导演处女作《祖宗十九代》将于春节假期与大家见面。 Guo, who has travelled extensively to ent...

  • 美国监管机构批准白血病基因疗法

    17-09-14 US regulators on Wednesday approved the first gene therapy against cancer - a treatment that uses a patients own immune cells to fight leukemia - opening a new era in the fight against one of the worlds top killers. 美国监管机构于8月30日批准了首个对...

  • 世界首条基因编辑克隆狗在中国出生

    17-07-06 Gene-editing technology has been used successfully by Chinese scientists for the first time to clone a beagle, according to a report in Science and Technology Daily. 《科技日报》报道,中国科学家利用基因编辑技术首次成功克隆一条比格犬。 The dog named...

  • 如何含蓄地损人

    17-04-11 1. He has two brains; one is lost and the other is out looking for it. 他有两个大脑,一个丢了,另一个去找去了。 2. She got into the gene pool while the lifeguard wasnt watching. 她肯定是趁救生员不备,跳进过基因池。 3. During evolution, his ancestors...