• as pretty as a picture 美丽如画

    22-11-28 表达 as pretty as picture 比喻事物 美得像田园风景画一般,也就是 非常美丽。它也可以用来形容人 非常漂亮。 例句 You live in that cottage by the sea? Its as pretty as a picture. 你住在那个海滨小屋吗?它美得像一幅画。 My son looks as pretty as a picture...

  • 英语中常用的连词

    22-11-10 顾名思义,英语连词是用来连接词与词、短语与短语、以及句子与句子的虚词。常用的连词包括and、but、because、even though、while和so。 1. Choose the best conjunction to complete this sentence: He lost his great job ______ he was always late. a) even though...

  • The Godfather 教父 Chapter 29

    22-09-15 Michael Corleone had taken precautions against every eventuality. His planning was faultless, his security impeccable. He was patient, hoping to use the full year to prepare. But he was not to get his necessary year because fate itself took a stand...

  • Of Human Bondage 人性的枷锁 Chapter 57

    22-07-21 Philip arrived at Victoria Station nearly half an hour before the time which Mildred had appointed, and sat down in the second-class waiting-room. He waited and she did not come. He began to grow anxious, and walked into the station watching the inc...

  • house与home

    22-07-04 好多人会认为 home等同于 house, 那真的是这样吗? House与home这两个词又应该怎么区别呢?这两个词的意思有一些重叠部分。在区分的时需要记住以下这两点: a house 是一个实际存在的有形房屋; a home 是一个和我们在情感上所连接的地方。 01 house We live in a thre...

  • 白金汉宫花园首度向公众开放 游客感觉“被宰了”

    21-08-17 英国白金汉宫花园今夏首度向公众开放参观,门票于四月发售时一度引发游客疯抢,然而自上个月开放以来,宣传所说的千载难逢的探索之旅却让游客倍感失望,许多人吐槽门票一点也不值,食物饮料价格过高,大片区域被限制进入,说好的草地野餐也大打折扣,感觉被宰了。 Visi...

  • to be zonked out 精疲力竭

    21-07-29 短语To be zonked out用来形容一个人(因为狂欢或太累)精疲力竭或倒头即睡。 例句 I didnt sleep at all on the journey from Beijing to London. When I finally got to the hotel I was zonked out. After working all day in the garden I was zonked out. 请注意...

  • 山亭夏日

    21-06-16 山亭夏日 A Summers Day in a Hill Garden 高骈 绿树阴浓夏日长, 楼台倒影入池塘。 水晶帘动微风起, 满架蔷薇一院香。 Green trees, greener shades, and the summers day is long. Fine buildings study their own reflections in the pond. The crystal curtains s...

  • have seen better days 今非昔比,光彩不再

    21-06-15 Have seen better days 这四个简单的词语凑在一起可形容曾盛及一时,光鲜亮丽的事物,现已过鼎盛时期,光彩不再,破旧不堪。 例句 Ive had my car for years. Its definitely seen better days. 我的车开了好多年了,现在已经非常破旧了。 Your bags seen better days....

  • 香榭丽舍大街将改造成“非凡的花园”

    21-01-13 The mayor of Paris has said a 250m makeover of the Champs-lyses will go ahead, though the ambitious transformation will not happen before the French capital hosts the 2024 Summer Olympics. 巴黎市长近日表示,耗资2.5亿欧元(约合人民币19.7亿元)的香榭...