• 小王子 Chapter 20

    20-12-24 But it happened that after walking for a long time through sand, and rocks, and snow, the little prince at last came upon a road. And all roads lead to the abodes of men. 在沙漠、岩石、雪地上行走了很长的时间以后,小王子终于发现了一条大路。 所有的大...

  • 形容词最高级的用法

    20-12-14 在英语中,除了形容词的比较级以外,最高级也可以用来对比事物之间的性质、数量等,表示 最 。形容词的最高级形式强调 特征最突出的一个或一组事物。最高级的基本构成包括:定冠词 the + 形容词-est;定冠词 the + most + 形容词原形。单音节和多音节形容词原形变最高...

  • 在家里养盆栽好不好?

    20-10-24 Theres no place like home. Its the place where were surrounded by our possessions and creature comforts. We purchase things to give our homes a personal touch and create a certain ambience. And one thing were buying more of is houseplants. But are t...

  • 习近平夫妇在上海会见马克龙夫妇

    19-11-06 Chinese President Xi Jinping and his wife Peng Liyuan on Tuesday met with French President Emmanuel Macron and his wife Brigitte Macron in Shanghai. 本周二,中国国家主席习近平与夫人彭丽媛在上海会见了法国总统埃马纽埃尔马克龙与夫人布丽吉特马克龙。 Upo...

  • 北京园博会巴基斯坦展园成热点

    19-05-29 Exotic horticulture and handicrafts at the Pakistan Garden have amazed global visitors at the ongoing International Horticultural Exhibition in Beijing. 正在召开的北京国际园艺博览会上,巴基斯坦展园异域的园艺和手工艺品让游客大加赞赏。 The design of t...

  • 第12届国际园林博览会在南宁开幕

    18-12-07 The 12th China International Garden Expo opened in Nanning, capital of south Chinas Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region on Thursday. 第12届中国国际园林博览会周四在广西南宁开幕。 The event, which will last for six months, has attracted 44 Chinese cities...

  • 明尼苏达州开放中国友谊花园

    18-10-31 A St. Paul-Changsha China Friendship Garden in Phalen Park in U.S. state of Minnesota will open to the public on Nov. 3 in St. Paul City, the state capital of Minnesota, as the first-phase project of the garden completes. 明尼苏达州首府圣保罗市的一...

  • 成龙赞助古民居恢复工程

    18-05-15 A groundbreaking ceremony for a restoration project of ancient dwellings, led by Hong Kong movie star Jackie Chan, was held in Bengbu City, east Chinas Anhui Province on May 13, 2018, reports Chinanews.com. 中新网报道,5月13日,由香港影星成龙发起的...

  • 大学英语六级常用固定搭配 4

    16-10-10 executive board 执行委员会,董事会 happen to 刚好 confine sb. to 把某人限定在范围内 take up 占用 botanical garden 植物园 be accustomed to 习惯于 be accused of 因被起诉/指责 be less likely to 不太可能 resort to 依靠,诉诸 be obliged to 应该 be based...

  • 十大现代求婚地点

    16-10-04 1. At home - 49% 2. On a day out - 7% 3. On holiday abroad - 6% 4. The local pub - 6% 5. On holiday in the UK - 5% 6. In the car - 5.5% 7. At a restaurant - 4.5% 8. In the garden - 2% 9. On the beach - 2% 10. In a Hotel - 1%...