• 新分子有助改进火箭燃料

    10-12-23 Trinitramid that's the name of the new molecule that may be a component in future rocket fuel. This fuel could be 20-30 percent more efficient in comparison with the best rocket fuels we have today. The discovery was made at the Royal Institute of T...

  • 种植高粱以生产生物柴油

    10-11-11 Conversion of sorghum(高粱) grass to ethanol(乙醇,酒精) has increased with the interest in renewable fuel sources. Researchers at Iowa State University examined 12 varieties of sorghum grass grown in single and double cropping systems. The expe...

  • 北约运油车遭巴基斯坦歹徒袭击

    10-10-07 Militants in Pakistan have destroyed at least 40 tankers carrying fuel for Nato in two separate attacks, police say. 巴基斯坦警方称,激进分子在两次单独袭击中毁坏40多辆北约运油车。 The Nowshera attack was the fifth - and possibly most serious - in th...

  • Landscape with Grief Train

    10-09-26 Landscape with Grief Train David Young Such a huge locomotive(机车,火车头) , the grief train, panting(喘气的) , ugly, shiny, and black, but it has many cars to pull and a very long distance to travel. Miraculously(奇迹般地) , it needs no fuel...

  • 混合动力汽车前景广阔

    10-09-01 A University of Michigan researcher says it's possible to triple(使成三倍) fuel economy in gasoline-powered cars by 2035, but it'll mean getting our automotive kicks from smart electronic technology and other forms of virtual performance rather th...

  • 更稳定的燃料电池新配方问世

    10-08-03 In the quest for efficient, cost-effective and commercially viable(可行的) fuel cells, scientists at Cornell University's Energy Materials Center have discovered a catalyst(催化剂) and catalyst-support combination that could make fuel cells more...

  • 印度油价上涨 反对党举行罢工

    10-07-06 Normal life has been disrupted in many parts of India because of a strike called by opposition parties against fuel price rises. 印度油价上涨,反对党举行的罢工已使许多地区正常的生活受到干扰。 The effect of the 12-hour stoppage(停止,罢工) was felt...

  • 奥巴马演讲 Another Step Towards Securing Our Future in Energ

    10-05-24 Remarks by the President at Signing of Presidential Memorandum on Fuel Efficiency Standards Rose Garden 10:58 A.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT: Good morning, everybody. Good morning. Everybody, please have a seat. It is wonderful to have you all here. Welcome...

  • 瑞典烧兔子供暖遭抗议

    09-10-17 瑞典首都斯德哥尔摩围捕了数千只野兔,并将它们的尸体焚烧来为当地居民供暖。此举引起动物权利组织的强烈不满,表示这样的做法很不人道。这些被焚烧的兔子有些是斯德哥尔摩公园为保护林木而捕杀的,还有很多是被主人弃养的宠物兔子。去年有6000只兔子被捕杀,它们的尸...

  • Fuel price fall bolsters Ryanair 油价下降助Ryanair获利

    09-07-27 Rising passenger numbers and lower fuel prices helped Ryanair to make a 136.5m euros (118m) net profit between April and June, up from 21m euros last year. 乘客数量上升、油价下降使Ryanair从四月至六月净获利13650万美元,比去年同期增长2100万美元。 Ryan...