• The Seven Voyages of Sindbad the Sailor 11

    14-06-20 Nay, Sindbad. Heaven forbid that I should covet your riches; I will rather add to them, for I desire that you shall not leave my kingdom without some tokens of my good will. He then commanded his officers to provide me with a suitable lodging at his...

  • Words to Live

    14-04-02 I'll give you some advice about life. If you fail, don't forget to learn your lesson; Remember the three respects. Respect yourself, respect others, stand on dignity and pay attention to your behavior; Don't let a little dispute break up a great fri...

  • 《真爱挑日子》三

    13-03-12 片段对白 Ian: Golden Boy wants to see you. Emma: Hmm? Ian: He's got a new one. Guitarist 1: Good night. Guitarist 2: Good night. Emma: Night. Guitarist 3: Good night. Emma: Have a good one. Dexter: We were just kissing. Emma: You were trying to fit...

  • 研究:不宜跟朋友合伙做生意

    12-06-30 Thinking of going into business with a friend? Your relationship could cost you, according to research. 在考虑和朋友合伙做生意吗?研究表明,你的友情会让你遭受损失。 Researchers at Harvard University, in a study looking at friendship among venture ca...

  • all-weather friendship “全天候”友谊

    11-12-12 Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao and Pakistani Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani Wednesday reaffirmed the two countries will maintain an all-weather friendship . 中国总理温家宝和巴基斯坦总理优素福拉扎吉拉尼周三重申,两国将保持全天候友谊。 上面的报道中,al...

  • 1/4英国人仍与儿时好友保持联系

    10-11-13 A quarter of Britons are still in touch with their first best friend from childhood, a new study suggested today. 今日发布的一项新研究显示,四分之一的英国人仍然和童年时结交的第一个好友保持联系。 One in four said they were still in contact with their...

  • 奥巴马演讲 会见秘鲁总统加西亚

    10-06-07 PRESIDENT OBAMA: Well, Ive just had an excellent meeting with President Garcia. I want to welcome him not only to the Oval Office but also say to the Peruvian people how much we appreciate the friendship between our two countries. Peru I think has b...

  • Friends forever

    10-01-06 虽然伊丽莎白远在千里之外,我只能偶尔见到她,但是我们所拥有的永远是朋友的相框和挂盒能帮助我们弥补彼此的思念之情。 所以,亲爱的寂寞者,与朋友分开并没有那么糟,照片、信件、电话、电子邮件以及美好的记忆都能拉近朋友之间的友谊。 Dear Arizona, My friend is...

  • Friendship Lost... And Found

    09-12-11 Elizabeth and I are 18 now, and about to graduate. I think about our elementary-school friendship, but some memories have blurred使模糊不清 . What happened that day in fifth grade when Beth suddenly stopped speaking to me? Does she know that I've be...

  • I can't limit myself to one friendship

    09-11-26 These days having a best friend seems so important to girls. You want to be special. However I have learned the hard way that having one best friend is not the way to go. It's so much better to have many great friends. As I was coming into Middle Sc...