• be unbreakable 牢不可破

    22-11-15 牢不可破,汉语成语,意思是坚固、紧密不能摧毁或拆开。可以翻译为be unbreakable/indestructible/impregnable等。 例句: 牢不可破的友谊 unbreakable friendship 牢不可破的堡垒 impregnable stronghold...

  • situationship 状态恋情

    22-10-12 恋爱谈了几个月,像是在一起了但又不算亲密恋人,永远比友情更进一步比恋情又少一点,你也经历过恋爱中暧昧的模糊地带吗? Situationship refers to a relationship between two people that is more than a friendship, but less than a romance. 状态恋情指的是男女...

  • 习近平主席2014年澳洲之行

    22-06-20 For many people in the Australian island state of Tasmania, the bond formed between Chinese President Xi Jinping and locals, especially students, in 2014 and even before has been an example of a wonderful meeting of hearts and minds. 对于澳大利亚塔...

  • 与友情相关的英文习语

    22-05-26 1. friendship goals 令旁人羡慕的深厚友情 Leo and Kate are the epitome of friendship goals. 小李和凯特拥有最令人羡慕的深厚友情。 2. fast friends 挚友 The two of them had been fast friends since college. 他俩从大学起一直是挚友。 3. birds of a feather...

  • 君子之交淡如水

    21-07-20 君子之交淡如水,是一个汉语成语,亦作 君子之交如水 或 君子之交淡若水 。语出《庄子山木》:谓贤者之交谊,平淡如水,不尚虚华。 君子:古代指道德高尚的人,也称品行好的人为君子。交:交情。 君子之交淡如水指:君子之间因心怀坦荡,所以无须存有戒备之心。不用讲...