• 关于友情的暖心文案

    21-04-29 The most important thing in life will always be the people in this room, right here, right now. Youll always be with me. And youll always be my brother. 我们生命中最重要的东西就是这屋檐下的人,就在此时,就在此地,你永远在我身边,也永远是我的兄弟! F...

  • Little Women - Chapter 31

    20-09-28 London Dearest People, Here I really sit at a front window of the Bath Hotel, Piccadilly. Its not a fashionable place, but Uncle stopped here years ago, and wont go anywhere else. However, we dont mean to stay long, so its no great matter. Oh, I can...

  • 疫情封锁可能对一些友谊产生长期影响

    20-09-11 Maintaining a strong social bond takes time and effort. Thats according to evolutionary psychologists who studied the social lives of our closest primate relatives. 维持牢固的社会联系需要时间和精力。这是进化心理学家们在研究了我们的灵长类近亲的社交生...

  • 彭丽媛会见古巴第一夫人奎斯塔

    19-04-10 Peng Liyuan, wife of Chinese President Xi Jinping, met in Beijing on Tuesday with Lis Cuesta Peraza, wife of Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel. 彭丽媛,中国国家主席习近平的夫人,周二在北京与古巴总统米格尔迪亚斯-卡内尔的夫人莉斯奎斯塔佩拉萨举行会谈。...

  • 明尼苏达州开放中国友谊花园

    18-10-31 A St. Paul-Changsha China Friendship Garden in Phalen Park in U.S. state of Minnesota will open to the public on Nov. 3 in St. Paul City, the state capital of Minnesota, as the first-phase project of the garden completes. 明尼苏达州首府圣保罗市的一...

  • 10.1成旧金山中美友谊传统日

    18-09-29 Mayor London Breed of San Francisco in the west U.S. state of California Friday declared upcoming Chinas National Day as Chinese-American Friendship and Heritage Day in San Francisco to underpin the citys desire to expand cooperation with China. 美...

  • toxic friendship 有毒朋友

    16-12-11 It can be challenging to recognize the damage caused by a toxic friendship , especially if youve known and cared about the person for a long time. But if youve resolved to be happier and healthier in the new year, taking stock of your relationships...

  • 如何面对完成己任的师者

    16-05-27 Certain relationships have a built-in expiration date -- or at least, they should. After all, the point of having a therapist, a teacher, a guru, a mentor, is to grow - and that very evolution will eventually mean that the relationship comes to close...

  • interspecies friendship 跨种群友情

    16-04-29 Interspecies friendship refers to the social relationships formed between members of different animal species. Interspecies friendship指不同种群的动物之间发展出来的社交关系,也就是跨种群友情。 Online, media documenting these amiable associations are...

  • Flight

    16-03-15 Flight Christian Wiman -- after Anna Akhmatova In the end we love the line love cannot cross. In the end we fall for what we fail. Forget friendship. Ardor. Forget the years that only grow harder as the soul recedes in what the years bring, grown al...