• 尼日利亚前银行主管伊布鲁因欺诈被判刑

    10-10-09 A former Nigerian bank chief has been sentenced to six months in prison for fraud and ordered to hand over $1.2bn (786m) in cash and assets. 尼日利亚银行一位前主管因欺诈罪和下令转移12亿美元现金及财产而被判刑六个月。 A number of Nigerian bank executi...

  • 瑞典研究会对学术骗子做出惩罚措施

    10-10-07 Barred for up to ten years from receiving research grants(研究基金) from the Swedish Research Council. There will be serious consequences for the few researchers who are guilty of plagiarism(剽窃) , falsification(伪造,歪曲) , or inventing res...

  • 高盛投资被指欺诈投资者

    10-04-18 Goldman Sachs, the Wall Street powerhouse, has been accused of defrauding investors by America's financial regulator. 美国金融监管机构指控华尔街高盛投资公司欺诈投资者。 The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) alleges that Goldman failed to disc...

  • 联合国特使回应阿富汗选举欺诈言论

    10-04-02 A former UN envoy has dismissed claims by Afghan President Hamid Karzai that foreign observers were responsible for fraud in last year's disputed vote. 一位前联合国特使反驳了阿富汗总统哈米德卡尔扎伊关于去年颇具争议的选举中外国观察者涉嫌欺诈的言论。...

  • 伊拉克选举委员会否决普选重新计票要求

    10-03-22 Iraq's election commission has rejected calls from the president and prime minister for a recount of votes cast in the general election on 7 March. 伊拉克选举委员会否决了来自总统和总理的关于重新计算3月7日普选投票结果的要求。 There have been complain...

  • 尼日利亚前地方长官因金融欺诈被逮捕

    09-12-10 Nigerian anti-corruption officials have raided a meeting of opposition leaders and arrested Attahiru Bafarawa, who ran for president in 2007. 尼日利亚反腐败官员突袭了反对党领导的一次会议,并逮捕2007年曾参与总统竞选的Attahiru Bafarawa。 Attahiru Bafa...

  • Concern over 'rigged' Russia vote 俄罗斯“作弊”选举引发担忧

    09-10-12 Opposition parties in Russia have alleged that local elections across the country were marred by fraud. 俄罗斯反对团体称,全国的地区选举都被欺诈所糟蹋。 Opposition politician Boris Nemtsov has criticised the polls Mayoral, regional and district coun...

  • Madoff fraud probes 'a failure' Madoff欺诈案调查“宣告失败”

    09-09-03 The US financial watchdog mishandled a string of probes into the business of convicted fraudster Bernard Madoff, an investigation has found. 一项调查发现,美国金融监督机构不能处理已判刑的诈骗犯Bernard Madoff产业的一系列调查。 Bernard Madoff was give...

  • Pfizer agrees record fraud fine 辉瑞同意支付欺诈案罚款

    09-09-03 US drugmaker Pfizer has agreed to pay $2.3bn (1.4bn) in the largest healthcare fraud settlement in the history of the Department of Justice. 美国制药商Pfizer决定支付23亿美元赔款,这是美国司法部历史上最大的医疗保健欺诈案。 Pfizer has said it wants to...

  • Corruption fears over Afghan poll 阿富汗选举或有作弊嫌疑

    09-08-18 An investigation by the BBC has found evidence of fraud and corruption in Afghanistan's presidential election. BBC调查发现阿富汗总统选举存在欺诈和腐败的迹象。 Western officials have said a flawed election is better than none at all Thousands of voti...