• figure/work sth out 弄清楚

    21-08-19 To understand something or to find the answer to something by thinking about it. 例句: There will be a full investigation to work out what caused the accident. 将进行全面调查,找出事故原因。 Investigators needed several months to figure out that a...

  • fight telecom and online fraud 打击治理电信网络诈骗犯罪

    21-04-15 中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平近日对打击治理电信网络诈骗犯罪工作作出重要指示强调,要坚持以人民为中心,全面落实打防管控各项措施,坚决遏制此类犯罪多发高发态势。 President Xi Jinping has called for acting on the people-centered philosophy...

  • 支付宝更新防欺诈功能

    19-02-27 Alipay announced on Tuesday a major anti-fraud upgrade on its application by teaming up with 26 public security departments nationwide. 支付宝周二宣布,通过与全国26家公安部门进行合作之后,对其APP进行一项重大防欺诈更新。 The new function, dubbed Secu...

  • 特朗普前竞选经理涉嫌欺诈受审

    18-08-02 Paul Manafort, former chairman of Donald Trumps presidential election campaign team, went on trial on charges of bank and tax fraud Tuesday. 特朗普总统选举竞选团队前经理保罗马纳福特周二因涉嫌银行和税务欺诈受审。 He became the first member of Trumps...

  • 安邦原董事长吴小晖受审

    18-03-29 Wu Xiaohui, former chair and general manager of Chinese conglomerate Anbang Insurance Group, has stood trial on Wednesday, March 28, 2018 in Shanghai on charges of embezzlement and fraud. 安邦保险集团原董事长兼CEO吴小晖因挪用公款以及诈骗于2018年3月2...

  • 中国将严管环境数据欺诈

    17-06-19 Chinese environment authorities will establish a system to prevent and punish environmental data fraud, according to an official. 中国环保局将建立一套防止并惩罚环境数据欺诈的系统。 Since environmental monitoring is an important part of technical sup...