• 中国将对侵犯个人信息罪进行惩罚

    17-05-12 Chinas top court and prosecutor have jointly issued a judicial interpretation for personal information encroachment. 中国最高人民法院与检察院联合对侵犯个人信息做出了司法解释。 According to the rules, those who illegally obtain, sell or provide 500 p...

  • telecom fraud 电信诈骗

    16-12-14 Universities are taking various measures to warn new entrants about telecom fraud following a recent tragedy in which a college-bound student died after being cheated out of tuition fees which her family had spent months raising. 最近,一名即将踏入...

  • CEO impersonation fraud 冒充老板进行诈骗

    16-02-23 For the last decade, a new type of fraud is particularly expanding amongst major size companies: the so called CEO impersonation fraud or CEO fraud. 过去十年,一种新型的诈骗在大公司中特别猖獗,也就是冒充老板进行诈骗(CEO fraud)。 CEO impersonation...

  • pyramid-selling through WeChat 微传销

    15-06-29 Once pyramid-selling through WeChat spreads, it turns a circle of friends into a platform of fraud, which not only seriously undermines people's daily social life but also endangers social stabilization. 微传销的泛滥将朋友圈变成了诈骗平台,不仅影响...

  • 推广维持检举者项目的代价很高

    14-11-19 Promoting and maintaining financial fraud whistleblower programs, such as those of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), is costly. Cases involving whistleblowers require significant resour...

  • election fraud 贿选

    14-05-23 A spokeswoman with China's top legislature Tuesday vowed zero tolerance of election fraud and severe punishment on offenders. 全国人大发言人宣称,国家将用零容忍的态度对待贿选行为,严厉惩处贿选者。 上面的报道中,electoral fraud就是贿选,有时也译作选...

  • 喀布尔银行欺诈案主犯被判入狱

    13-03-05 Two former chiefs of Afghanistan's Kabul Bank have been sentenced to five years in jail for the multi-million dollar fraud that almost led to its collapse in 2010. 两名阿富汗喀布尔银行的前主管因数百万美元欺诈罪被判入狱五年,此次犯罪差点使该银行在201...

  • academic fraud 学术欺诈

    12-11-13 China should make academic fraud a crime to curb dishonesty, a deputy of National People's Congress (NPC) proposed at the annual two sessions. 一位全国人大代表在两会上提议,中国应设立学术欺诈罪来遏制造假行为。 文中的make academic fraud a crime指的就...

  • charity fraud 诈捐门

    10-11-25 从泼墨门到诈捐门,国际巨星章子怡的星途最近颇为不顺。在两个多月的沉默之后,章子怡于3月12日凌晨接受《中国日报》独家专访,详细回答捐款风波中网友提出的各种质疑。 请看《中国日报》的报道: Zhang Ziyi has been criticized for not replying to accusations of...

  • trailer fraud 预告片陷阱

    10-10-11 岁末年初的贺岁档往往是各大电影制作方争抢的黄金时段。为了在贺岁档到来之前占得先机,预告片、海报等宣传手段就成了片方的法宝。要知道很多观众就是被美轮美奂的预告片吸引,才去影院观影的。可是实际观影的效果真的有那么好吗?那就不一定了。要不怎么会出现 traile...