• Picking it to pieces 吹毛求疵

    14-08-13 An art critic was used to criticizing very severely and in a very detailed way. When he was commenting on one painting and then on another in the gallery, he pointed at a picture and said: It's showing a marked lack of technique and understanding. L...

  • The Flying Turtle

    14-04-16 One bright sunny morning. Mr. Turtle gets bored in the water. He plans to go out on the shore. I am tired of swimming all day. I'll go out on the shore today. Good morning, Mr. Turtle. Where are you going so early? Well, I'm going out of the water....

  • A Monkey And A Fly

    13-10-14 It's very hot. An old man is asleep on the chair. A fly comes and sits on the end of the man's nose. The old man has a naughty monkey. He chases the fly. The fly comes back again and sits on the old man's nose again. The monkey chases it away again...

  • 入侵性苍蝇不断挺进美国中西部

    13-07-03 The local discovery of a species of fly not native to the Midwest could have significant implications on forensic investigations involving decomposing remains, according to a forensic biology researcher at Indiana University-Purdue University Indian...

  • 抬头是希望

    13-05-14 If you put a buzzard(秃鹰) in a pen(围栏) six to eight feet square and entirely open at the top, the bird, in spite of its ability to fly, will be an absolute prisoner. The reason is that a buzzard always begins a flight from the ground with a r...

  • 生物学奖发现果蝇的8个伤口愈合基因

    13-04-25 Biologists at UC San Diego have identified eight genes never before suspected to play a role in wound healing that are called into action near the areas where wounds occur. Their discovery, detailed this week in the open-access journal PLOS ONE, was...

  • 帝王蝶的空间方向感令人赞叹

    13-04-09 Monarch butterflies have long been admired for their sense of direction, as they migrate from Canada and the United States to Mexico. According to new findings from a team of scientists, including researchers from the University of Guelph, the winge...

  • A baby eagle

    13-01-18 Once upon a time there was a baby eagle living in a nest perched on a cliff overlooking a beautiful valley with waterfalls and streams, trees and lots of little animals, scurrying about enjoying their lives. The baby eagle liked the nest. It was the...

  • 猫头鹰无声飞行有助飞机噪声研究

    12-11-20 Owls have the uncanny(神秘的) ability to fly silently, relying on specialized plumage to reduce noise so they can hunt in acoustic stealth(秘密行动) . Researchers from the University of Cambridge, England, are studying the owl's wing structure t...

  • 蚊子在大雾中飞不起来

    12-11-20 Mosquitoes have the remarkable ability to fly in clear skies as well as in rain, shrugging off impacts from raindrops more than 50 times their body mass. But just like modern aircraft, mosquitoes also are grounded when the fog thickens. Researchers...