• 境外转机

    22-06-14 转机时,先看机票上的航班号,然后从机场的航班指示屏幕上找到该航班在那个GATE登机,最后顺着机场标示走到这个GATE就好,不需要说话。 但特殊情况可能是,你到了后,发现屏幕上有你要转的航班号,但是后面的GATE是空的,这时候你可以向机场工作人员确认下: Hello. Co...

  • 动物习语盘点 下

    22-05-26 6. turkey farm 废物农场,吃闲饭的机构、部门 Turkey是火鸡,farm就是农...

  • do something on the fly 快速而不加思考地做某事

    22-05-10 Do something on the fly Definition: do something quickly without thinking 定义:快速而不加思考地做某事。 I did it on the fly, its nothing special. 我不假思索地飞快去做了,它也没什么特别的。 Lets do it on the fly. It wont take long. 快点动手干吧,不...

  • 一名空姐分享坐飞机的省钱心得

    22-04-24 怎样坐飞机最省钱,没有比乘务员更清楚的了。来听一名空姐分享坐飞机的省钱心得吧! If you fly business class, you can usually save by waiting to upgrade at the airport 如果你要坐商务舱,你可以先定经济舱,到了机场再升舱,这样通常更省钱 I know it might so...

  • A Blonde's Flight

    22-03-09 A blonde went to a flight school insisting that she wanted to learn to fly. As all the planes were currently in use, the owner agreed to instruct her by radio on how to pilot the solo helicopter. He took her out, showed her how to start it and gave...

  • pigs might fly 无稽之谈

    22-02-09 汉语里,若觉得某一建议荒诞、离奇或根本不可能实现,我们常常会反讥对方:啊,除非太阳从西边出来!。英语中,类似的意思可用俚语Theres a pig flying by!(字面意:连猪都可能飞起来)来表达。这是一个英式说法,带有反讽的感情色彩。 例句: - I get the scholarsh...

  • fly high 翱翔空中

    22-02-08 Fly high 翱翔空中 这句话你可以想象成你是没有任何限制地通往天空。 当你想给你朋友加油打气时,对ta说:fly high。那么,你的朋友会比收到good luck更高兴且充满动力。 例句: With parents and teachers great expectation, Im quite certain of my future and Im s...

  • fly off the handle 大发脾气;勃然大怒

    21-11-17 fly off the handle难道是放飞自我?意思有点接近,但这个放飞自我可不是主动追求自由,而是被情绪牵着飞,也就是被情绪所支配。 fly off the handle就是指大发脾气;勃然大怒。 Ive never seen her fly off the handle like that before. 我以前从没见过她发这么大脾...

  • fly the nest 离开父母开始独立生活

    21-09-02 短语 to fly the nest 的意思是一个人离开父母开始自己独立的生活。 例句 When David started university he had to fly the nest and live alone. All the children have flown the nest so Mum now has a lot of spare time. 请注意 A nest egg 的意思是存款、储备金...

  • to fly the flag 摇旗呐喊

    21-08-16 如果说某人 fly the flag 那么就表示摇旗呐喊,支持自己的国家(或团体)尤其是在国外。 例句 Ill be flying the flag for the company when I speak at that big conference in India next week. Lang Lang flies the flag for China when he plays on the internatio...