• 新西兰公布40幅新国旗入围设计稿

    15-08-16 The independent panel tasked with deciding a potential new flag for New Zealand has published its long list of 40 possible designs. 新西兰的新国旗方案独立专家小组日前公布了40幅入围设计稿,这个小组将负责在其中选出新国旗的设计方案。 Nearly 10,300 were...

  • 美国男子在非洲沙漠建国 为让女人当公主

    14-07-21 When a dad promised his seven-year-old daughter she would be a real princess, he wasnt kidding. 当一名父亲承诺将自己七岁的女儿变成真正的公主时,他并不是在开玩笑。 Jeremiah Heaton travelled to a remote desert region of Africa to claim a disputed stre...

  • 新西兰将公投决定是否改变国旗图案

    14-03-11 New Zealand is to hold a referendum on whether to change the national flag, Prime Minister John Key has announced. 新西兰总理约翰基宣布,将就是否改变国旗图案一事举行全民公决。 Mr Key said that the current flag represented a post-colonial era that ha...

  • rip off 敲竹杠

    13-03-18 Chinese authorities are seriously investigating reports that a national flag on the Japanese ambassador's car was ripped off in Beijing on Monday, amid a territorial row over disputed islands. 中国政府正就本周一日本驻华大使车辆国旗被夺事件进行严肃调...

  • 奥运会会旗到达里约热内卢

    12-08-14 The official flag of the Olympics has arrived in the Brazilian city of Rio de Janeiro, the host city of the next Games. 奥运会官方旗帜已抵达巴西城市里约热内卢,下届奥运会的举办城市。 Rio Mayor Eduardo Paes waved the flag after stepping off the plane...

  • 美国中学生用国旗擦手被停学

    12-06-16 美国弗吉尼亚州一名13岁的中学生因涉嫌在如厕后用国旗擦手而被校方勒令在期末考试期间停学,称其污损公共财产。 A 13-year-old Virginia student was suspended from school during finals for allegedly wiping his hands on the American flag after using the bathr...

  • Flags in F1 games

    10-09-20 When you are watching the wonderful F1, have you noticed the flags of different colors? And do you know the exact meaning of it? If not, look further for some information. RED FLAG : Usually the red flag appears only at the beginning and the end of...

  • 英国首相悬挂英格兰圣乔治旗 支持英格兰队

    10-06-13 The St Georges Cross will fly above Downing Street during the World Cup as a show of support for the England team, David Cameron has announced. 英国首相大卫卡梅伦日前宣布,唐宁街(10号)将在世界杯比赛期间悬挂英格兰圣乔治旗,以表对英格兰队的支持。 Th...

  • 法国男子国旗擦屁股引争议

    10-04-24 近日,一张法国男子用法国国旗擦屁股的照片令法国民众感到愕然和愤怒。照片中,一名男子背对着镜头,裤子堆在脚踝处,一面法国国旗挡在臀部,可以看得出他是在用国旗擦屁股。法国司法部长称这种侮辱国旗的行为是不可接受的,并下令对该行为人诉诸于法律。 The French g...

  • Betsy Ross: First Flag Maker?

    09-09-30 True or false? Betsy Ross sewed the first American flag. Would you be surprised to know both answers could be right? Many historians say, yes. Others, no. Lets look at some facts about this amazing Revolutionary lady and see what you think. Elizabet...