• 《海底总动员-1》第18章

    23-01-18 Hello, Darla, the dentist said. Hows my favorite little niece doing on her special day? He placed her in the dentists chair. Lets see those pearly whites! he said, opening her mouth. Ouch! he cried as she bit his finger. Grumpy, are we? I know what...

  • 《爱丽丝梦游仙境-1》第20章

    22-12-24 There was a long, tense pause as the battling stopped all around the clearing. Alice stared at the Red Queens finger, which was only inches from her neck. She was still breathing too hard to speak. The nearest Red Knight tossed his sword down on the...

  • Monodactyl 单趾型

    22-10-10 这指什么,一只鸟?一架飞机?还是一匹马?让我们来考虑一下马匹们的近亲,斑马和驴子,它们可是唯一活生生的monodactyls,即单趾动物。但它们也不总是这样。 研究人员最近取得重要进展,帮助理解马类为何有着如此不同寻常的解剖学差异。他们确定,马类进化出更大的身...

  • 麦田里的守望者 Chapter 10

    22-09-13 It was still pretty early. Im not sure what time it was, but it wasnt too late. The one thing I hate to do is go to bed when Im not even tired. So I opened my suitcases and took out a clean shirt, and then I went in the bathroom and washed and chang...

  • 跟身体有关的形象表达 上

    22-08-02 point a/the finger at somebody 我们在指责别人的时候,是不是总喜欢拿手指指着对方嘞?所以point a/the finger at somebody有指责、怪罪之意,例如: The article points an accusing finger at the authorities. 那篇文章谴责了当局。 lay a finger on somebody 我...

  • 疼痛

    22-02-07 疼痛是人的本能,有了痛觉,我们才能更好地管理自己的身体。 在描述疼痛上,中文较于英文更user-friendly。咱们中国人描述疼痛无非就是疼字或痛字,比如: 牙疼(痛);头疼(痛);肚子疼(痛)。 疼和痛可以替换,没啥区别,学习起来也比较方便。但是在英文中,描述...

  • 研究:食指比无名指短的女性可能更加强壮

    21-12-20 当你感叹自己力气不够大时,有没有想过决定自己力量的秘密就在手掌上 Researchers found that women who have an index finger thats shorter than their ring finger could actually have more strength. 研究表明食指比无名指短的女性可能更加强壮。 来自奥地利的研...

  • twist somebody around your little finger 任意摆布某人

    21-07-13 通常情况下,我们的小指 little finger 是手指中最脆弱的一根,如果你能让某人围着你的小指团团转 twist somebody around your little finger,则说明你能轻易地摆布、指使或说服这个人,而此人听任你使唤的原因往往出于对你的喜欢或依赖。在这里,动词twist 转动还可...

  • to pull your finger out 加把劲

    21-06-22 To pull your finger out 是一个口语英语表达,它的字面意思是把手指拿出来。实际上,我们用这个说法来催促他人别磨磨蹭蹭地或加紧干活。有人认为to pull your finger out来源自表达to pull out all the stops 竭尽全力 例句 If Emily wants to pass her exams, she ne...

  • lady's finger 秋葵

    21-06-15 前两天有网友在我公众号留言,问我秋葵的英语为什么是ladys finger(女士的手指) 我也是好奇,因为秋葵的英语名称在我脑海中一直是okra(/kr/)。 网友这一问,我立马查了一下google图片搜索,ladys finger还真的是秋葵: 我顺便查了一下quora,还真有人问过为什么秋...