• Under the Lilacs - Chapter 16

    21-01-21 A few days later, Miss Celia was able to go about with her arm in a sling, pale still, and rather stiff, but so much better than any one expected, that all agreed Mr. Paine was right in pronouncing Dr. Mills a master hand with broken bones. Two devo...

  • finger wave 手推波浪

    20-12-26 春天到了,有没有想换发型的冲动?有一款发型即简单又复古,叫做手推波浪。 A finger wave is a method of setting hair into waves that was popular in the 1920s and 1930s and in the late 1990s in North America and Europe. The process involves pinching the...

  • 有能力帮助别人 是一种幸福

    20-09-10 The hummingbird was lost in the supermarket, exhausted, starving, and near death as it spiraled towards the ground on helpless wings. 一只蜂鸟在超市里迷路了,它疲惫不堪且饥饿难耐,由于无力挥动双翼,小蜂鸟飞得越来越低,眼看就要奄奄一息。 I snatched h...

  • 能做到“秋水誓”的人通常患有“关节过度活动综合症”

    17-08-13 The finger move, done by Zhang Yishan has been dubbed physically impossible by stunned audience. 观众被张一山的手指姿势惊呆了,将其称为人类无法做到的姿势。 The actor raised his right hand, putting his little finger on top of his thumb while keeping...

  • 手指长度可以看出性格

    16-11-02 If your index finger is longer than your ring finger, you are likely to be bad at sports but better at verbal memory tasks, a new study says. 一项最新研究指出,如果你的食指比无名指长,那么你可能运动很糟糕,但擅长言语记忆类工作。 But men and women wi...

  • cold finger 冷手指

    16-06-05 Cold finger means to ignore someones text or social media site message and comment, especiallly when this persons message is pointless or uncalled for. 冷手指指无视某人的短信或者社交媒体上发来的私信和评论,尤其当这些信息毫无意义,也没啥道理的时候。...

  • hunt and peck 二指禅

    16-05-30 Hunt and peck (two-fingered typing), also known as search and peck or Eagle Finger, is a common form of typing, in which the typist presses each key individually. Hunt and peck(或者two-fingered typing、search and peck、Eagle Finger)都指一种常见的...

  • 数码喷绘自动美甲机

    15-07-31 A Korean woman has uploaded a video on her Facebook page of a nail design machine that, in a matter of seconds, appears to print an elaborate design on to a womans fingernail. 近日一名韩国女性在她的脸书主页上传了一个视频,视频中的美甲设计机在短短几...

  • 贪得无厌

    15-07-16 One day a man walking on the road met a celestial, who happened to be an old friend of his. Seeing that his life was hard, the celestial pointed with his finger at a brick on the roadside, which turned into a gold brick at once. And he gave it to th...

  • 扳指关节时关节内发生了什么

    15-04-16 Pull my finger, a phrase embraced by school-aged kids and embarrassing uncles the world over, is now being used to settle a decades-long debate about what happens when you crack your knuckles. In a new study published April 15 in PLOS ONE, an intern...