• 蚂蚁金融为首次公开募股寻求资金支持

    16-01-06 Alibaba's financial arm, Ant Financial, has announced its looking for a second round of backing for its planned initial public offering. 阿里巴巴旗下金融机构蚂蚁金融宣布将为计划中的首次公开募股寻求第二轮支持。 Ant Financial is reportedly trying to g...

  • kitchen-sink 公司的负面财务信息一次性全部公布

    15-11-18 Kitchen-sink is a verb, referring to announcing all of a company's bad financial news at one time. Kitchen-sink是个动词,指将某公司负面的财务信息一次性全部公布出来。 This word is based on the idiom everything but the kitchen sink, which hails from W...

  • 中国将保护消费金融产品

    15-11-13 Chinese consumers of financial products are to get better legal protection, according to an official document released on Friday. 周五发布的一份官方文件显示,中国消费者购买的金融产品将会得到更好的法律保护。 Protecting buyers of stocks, mutual funds,...

  • 蚂蚁金服将投资国泰保险

    15-09-15 Alibaba's financial services provider Ant Financial is set to buy a 1.2 billion yuan stake in Taiwan-based Cathay Insurance. 阿里巴巴金融服务提供商蚂蚁金服计划购买台湾国泰保险12亿元的股份。 The deal will see Zhejiang Ant Small Micro Financial Servic...

  • 希腊债务危机词汇 下

    15-09-15 ESM(European Stability Mechanism) 欧洲稳定机制 The ESM is the eurozone's rescue fund. It can provide countries in financial difficulty with up to 500 billion ($560bn). Greece has requested an ESM bailout to cover all its financial needs for two year...

  • financial leasing 融资租赁

    15-09-09 Accelerating development of financial leasing could ease financing difficulty and financing cost, spur investment on equipment and promote industrial upgrade, said a statement released after the meeting. 会后发表的声明指出,加快发展融资租赁和金融租...

  • medium-term lending facility 中期借贷便利

    15-09-02 China's central bank has offered new medium-term lending facility (MLF) loans to 14 financial institutions on August 19. 中国央行19日对14家金融机构开展中期借贷便利操作。 中期借贷便利用英文medium-term lending facility (MLF)表示,是中央银行提供中期...

  • 中国开展打击地下钱庄的活动

    15-08-26 Chinese police have launched a nationwide campaign against underground banks in a bid to maintain order in financial and capital markets. 中国警方发起了一项全国范围内打击地下钱庄的活动,以维持金融秩序与金融资产。 A similar campaign was launched in A...

  • 奥巴马讲话 谈论华尔街改革

    15-08-08 Hi, everybody. It's been seven years since the worst financial crisis in generations spread from Wall Street to Main Street-a crisis that cost millions of Americans their jobs, their homes, their life savings. It was a crisis that cost all of us. It...

  • 中国将继续实施稳健的货币政策

    15-07-15 The People's Bank of China (PBOC), the central bank, on Tuesday announced it will continue to implement the prudent monetary policy, and improve the financial system's capability to serve the real economy. 中国人民银行周二宣布将继续实施稳健的货币政...