• financial standardization 金融标准化

    22-02-10 近日,中国人民银行会同市场监管总局、银保监会、证监会联合印发《金融标准化十四五发展规划》。《规划》提出,到2025年,与现代金融体系相适应的标准体系基本建成。 Chinas financial regulators have issued a plan to advance standardization of the financial sec...

  • high-flyer 抱负极高的人

    22-01-04 A high-flyer 是在指事业上有极高抱负的成功职业人士。 例句 Daniel is such a high-flyer. Hes only 31 years old and hes already the financial director of the company. My brother is a high-flying businessman and travels all over the world. 请注意 另外有...

  • to be in a (bit of a) pickle 碰到小麻烦

    21-12-14 泡菜 pickles 有时候真的是特别的酸, 也不是一个人人都能接受的口味。这个词出现在短语 to be in a pickle 中的时候,意思是碰到了麻烦。不过一般用来形容不方便的情况,而不是指真正很严重的问题。 例句 Im in a bit of a pickle. I invited two women to be my plus...

  • 中国人民银行推出碳减排支持工具

    21-11-10 中国人民银行11月8日宣布,推出碳减排支持工具(carbon-reduction supporting tool)。 The Peoples Bank of China will provide low-cost loans for financial institutions through the carbon-reduction supporting tool, and will guide those institutions, on th...

  • a high-flyer 有极高抱负的成功职业人士

    21-08-19 A high-flyer 是在指事业上有极高抱负的成功职业人士。 例句 Daniel is such a high-flyer. Hes only 31 years old and hes already the financial director of the company. My brother is a high-flying businessman and travels all over the world. 请注意 另外有...

  • ins and outs 全部细节

    21-07-26 我们可以用 ins and outs 来表达一件事或某个局面所包含的所有细节、里里外外的详情。 例句 To succeed at this job youll need to study the ins and outs of the financial markets. If you want to stand for class president youre going to have to learn the ins...

  • tipping point 转折点

    21-07-08 表达tipping point指的是事情即将发生重大变化的转折点,意思是某种状况或局面从量变到质变时一触即发的临界点,一旦越过这一时间点,将无法挽回。比如,科学家们会使用这个概念来谈论气象学、社会学和经济学相关的现象。 例句 Many believe digitalisation will push...

  • one swallow doesn't make a summer 孤燕不成夏

    21-04-13 One swallow doesnt make a summer 是一句英文谚语,字面意思是 一只燕子飞来了,并不代表夏天已经来临。我们用这句谚语来谈论一件好事,并提醒他人 只因一件好事发生了,并不意味着整个局面会有所改善,可以理解为 不要高兴得太早。 例句 Just because he has apologi...

  • 金融管理部门再次联合约谈蚂蚁集团

    21-04-13 4月12日,央行、银保监会、证监会、外汇局等金融管理部门再次联合约谈蚂蚁集团。 约谈(regulatory talk)作为行政执法措施(administrative law enforcement),是承担经济社会有关领域监督管理职责的行政执法机关(supervisory and administrative organs),针对出...

  • new system for higher-level open economy 更高水平开放型经济

    21-03-13 国民经济和社会发展十四五规划和2035年远景目标纲要提出,要建设更高水平开放型经济新体制。 China aims to basically establish a new system for higher-level open economy in the next five years, according to the outline of the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-202...