• 2019全球经济预计增长2.9%

    19-01-09 Global economic growth is projected to slow to 2.9 percent in 2019, the World Bank said on Tuesday. 世界银行周二表示,2019年全球经济增长预计减缓至2.9%。 In its newly-released Global Economic Prospects report, the World Bank said the outlook for the...

  • 香港公布发展策略

    18-11-29 Hong Kongs Financial Services Development Council (FSDC) on Wednesday set out key recommendations for fostering the development of an Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) ecosystem in Chinas Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. 香港金融发...

  • 日产董事长卡洛斯·戈恩涉嫌违反金融法被逮捕

    18-11-20 Carlos Ghosn, chairman of the Nissan Motor Co., Renault SA and Mitsubishi Motors Corp. alliance, was arrested Monday evening for allegedly violating a financial law. 周一晚间,日产-雷诺-三菱汽车联盟主席卡洛斯戈恩因涉嫌违反金融法被逮捕。 Ghosn, prior...

  • 中国第二家国际仲裁法院在海南挂牌

    18-07-30 An international arbitration court was launched on Sunday in the southern-most island province of Hainan. 一家国际仲裁法院周日在中国海南省挂牌成立。 The Hainan Court of International Arbitration, the second after Shenzhen, came three and a half mont...

  • 上海将建金融法院

    18-04-25 China is considering the establishment of a financial court in Shanghai to deal with finance-related commercial and administrative cases in the city. 中国正考虑在上海建立一座金融法院,解决与财务有关的商业和行政案件。 The decision on the establishmen...

  • 李嘉诚宣布退休

    18-03-18 Hong Kong tycoon Li Ka-shing said on Friday that he is retiring from his business empire. 香港大亨李嘉诚周五宣布将退休。 Li said he would officially step down as the chairman of CK Hutchison Holdings Ltd. and CK Asset holdings Ltd. at the annual gen...

  • 过去五年中国基础科研投资已翻倍

    18-02-12 The Ministry of Science and Technology says Chinas financial input in RD in basic sciences doubled in the past five years. 国家科技部表示,过去五年间中国在基础科学的研究与开发上的财政投入已翻倍。 Vice-Minister of Science and Technology Huang Wei say...

  • 中国将加强对银行业的监管

    18-01-15 Chinas banking regulator said it will toughen regulation on the banking sector this year in a move to defuse financial risks. 中国银行监管机构今年将加强对银行业的监管以化解金融风险。 Priorities of the work were listed in a statement of the China Ban...

  • 支付宝推出香港版电子钱包

    17-05-25 Alipay, the online and mobile payment platform operated by Ant Financial services group, is launching its first app to handle non-renminbi transactions in Hong Kong. 支付宝,蚂蚁金融服务集团旗下的在线移动支付平台,在香港发布其首款app用于处理非人民币...

  • 余额宝成为全球最大的货币市场基金

    17-04-28 Chinese e-commerce giant Alibabas Yue Bao has become the worlds biggest money market fund, overtaking JPMorgans US government money market fund, reports the Financial Times. 《金融时报》报道,中国电商巨头阿里巴巴旗下的余额宝超越摩根大通美国政府货币...