• 9月精彩新片

    22-08-29 Blonde《金发梦露》 Blonde is one of the years most hotly anticipated films and as one of its most controversial. Based on the novel by Joyce Carol Oates, its a sprawling biopic of Marilyn Monroe (Ana de Armas), but it mixes fact and fiction. Its dir...

  • 吉卜力公园将于11月1日正式开放

    22-08-16 吉卜力的动画电影总是能让人深深着迷,甚至想走进这个梦幻世界中。机会来啦!以吉卜力动画为主题的吉卜力公园将于11月1日正式开放,你不但可以看到《龙猫》中两姐妹居住的房屋,还能看到小人阿莉埃蒂的奇妙世界,是不是很期待? Fans of My Neighbor Totoro, Kikis Del...