• 美国功夫剧《荒芜之地》 吴彦祖担任主演

    15-12-04 After Daniel Wu graduated from the University of Oregon in 1997, he traveled around Hong Kong for three months on a limited budget. Close to the end of his trip, he was in a bar when he was randomly approached to be in a TV commercial. He said yes a...

  • 烘焙高手做电影主题蛋糕

    15-10-05 An incredible gran is bringing movies to life - and, better still, you can eat them. 一个不可思议的老太太把电影做活了,更妙的是,她做的东西可以吃。 Carole Gregory, a talented artist, creates astonishingly detailed cakes by transforming her favourite...

  • 2015中国大陆电影票房已超297亿

    15-09-06 Chinese mainland box office in 2015 has surpassed 29.7 billion yuan, or around 4.6 billion USD. 2015年中国大陆电影票房已超过297亿元人民币,约合46亿美元。 The figure is not only a 48.5% increase compared to the same period last year, it also beats th...

  • 西蒙·佩吉计划推《碟中谍5》

    15-04-23 Simon Pegg and Tom Cruise have turned out at this year's CinemaCon convention in Las Vegas to promote Mission Impossible 5. 西蒙佩吉与汤姆克鲁斯共同出席在拉斯维加斯举办的本年度电影大展,为《碟中谍5》造势。 The latest installment of the franchise has...

  • 迪斯尼将制作真人版《花木兰》

    15-04-06 Disney has scored a series of hits with its live-action remakes of beloved animated films, and that trend has not even begun to slow. 迪斯尼将一系列深受大家喜爱的经典动画翻拍成真人版后大获成功,这个势头仍将继续下去。 On Monday, the company announced...

  • 大众最喜爱的电影台词

    14-11-10 Of all the great lines, in all the films, it all had to come down to a plastic spaceman. 在所有电影中,最经典的台词来自一个宇航员造型的塑料玩具。 According to a new poll, the greatest line in movie history is Buzz Lightyear's catchphrase: 'To infini...

  • 罗宾·威廉姆斯留下四部遗作

    14-08-15 Robin Williams had recently completed work on four films which will be shown after his death. 罗宾威廉姆斯去世前刚刚完成四部影片,这四部遗作将在他永远离开后与观众见面。 He will appear as a statue of President Theodore Roosevelt that comes to life in...

  • 吉卜力工作室可能将解散

    14-08-09 一名内部员工告诉日本News Cafe新闻网说,吉卜力的最新动画《记忆中的玛妮》应该是工作室最后一部动画作品。 When Marnie Was There may be Studio Ghibli's final film, if rumours of the Japanese animation studio's imminent closure are true. The reports come...

  • 《小时代3》首映票房超1亿

    14-08-04 Love him or hate him, 31-year-old Chinese writer-turned-director Guo Jingming knows how to pack a theater. Tiny Times 3, the third installment in Guo's popular romantic comedy series, premiered at No. 1 at the Chinese box office on Wednesday, taking...

  • 《为奴十二年》获金球奖最佳剧情片

    14-01-26 Globe for best drama, and American Hustle won best musical or comedy on Sunday in a kickoff to the Hollywood awards season that foreshadows a wide scattering of honors for a year crowded with high-quality movies. 随着上周日好莱坞颁奖季揭开帷幕,电影...