• emotional eater 情绪化吃货

    15-05-13 Food has so much control over our lives and, if we're honest, most of us will admit to having used food at some point in an emotional way. We eat to distract or alter the way we are feeling, to find pleasure, to avoid pain. 食物对我们的生活有很大的...

  • 人类与类人猿的同情心实际上不同?

    14-08-13 Whether or not humans are the only empathic beings is still under debate. In a new study, researchers directly compared the 'yawn contagion' effect between humans and bonobos (our closest evolutionary cousins). By doing so they were able to directly...

  • 情感驱使消费者购买使用大屏手机

    14-06-05 Bigger smartphone screen size may be better for more than just practical reasons, according to researchers. Participants in a study on smartphones indicated that emotional reasons might influence their decision to buy smartphones with bigger screens...

  • emotional labor 情绪劳动

    12-12-13 Emotional labor is a form of emotional regulation wherein workers are expected to display certain emotions as part of their job, and to promote organizational goals. The intended effects of these emotional displays are on other, targeted people, who...

  • 消费者易受情感评价的影响

    12-12-12 Consumers are more likely to make emotional instead of objective assessments when the outcomes are closer to the present time than when they are further away in the future, according to a new study in the Journal of Consumer Research. The proximity...

  • 情感反应可预测身体对压力的回应

    11-02-18 Your emotional response to challenging situations could predict how your body responds to stress, according to research published this month in the journal Brain, Behavior, and Immunity. People who reported high levels of anger and anxiety after per...

  • 人类眼泪包含某些化学信息

    11-01-09 Emotional crying is a universal, uniquely human behavior. When we cry, we clearly send all sorts of emotional signals. In a paper published online today in Science Express, scientists at the Weizmann Institute have demonstrated that some of these si...

  • 情商可提高私营部门员工的积极性

    10-12-24 A new study at the University of Haifa reveals: Emotional intelligence empowers positive attitudes and weakens negative behavior in the private sector; but does not have the same effect in the public sector. The results of this study emphasize the e...

  • 研究:买到特价商品的兴奋感与性爱相当

    10-09-18 Retail therapy is often said to make up for a poor love life and now new research has shown why. 人们常说购物疗法可以弥补一个人感情生活的不幸,如今有新的研究揭示了其中的原因。 A study has discovered that shoppers get the same level of emotional exci...

  • 揭开边缘型人格障碍患者自残之谜

    10-08-31 The notion that cutting or burning oneself could provide relief from emotional distress is difficult to understand for most people, but it is an experience reported commonly among people who compulsively(强制地,强迫地) hurt themselves. Individual...