• 情商是成功的秘诀吗?

    22-10-18 一些研究显示,高情商可以帮助你取得成功,尤其是在工作中能助你脱颖而出。高情商还可以让你成为更好的团队成员,并影响你的决策能力。 According to research studies coming out of top US universities, having high emotional intelligence, or EQ, can help you t...

  • emotional,sentimental,sensitive

    22-02-23 这三个词都和一个人的感受有关,但它们并不完全一样。下面,我们来主要讲一讲在形容人的时候,它们有哪些区别。 先来看 emotional。形容词 emotional 的第一个意思是 情绪上的,情感、精神层面的。比如:emotional support(情感支持)、emotional intelligence(情商...

  • 什么是“煤气灯效应”?

    21-12-28 近日,煤气灯效应(the Gaslight Effect)再次进入公众视野并登上热搜,引发网友广泛关注。那么,什么是煤气灯效应? 以爱之名进行情绪控制 在心理学中,通过扭曲受害者眼中的真实来对对方进行情绪控制的操纵行为,被称为煤气灯操纵法 。 而煤气灯效应的概念,源自帕特...

  • 有五种人当敬而远之

    21-07-12 1. The Gossiper 八卦君 The gossiper make you feel like they are bringing you into the fold by sharing delicate information with you. It seems like all they do is gather and disperse chitchat about other people. However, this doesnt add value to your...

  • emotional trashcan 情感垃圾桶

    16-05-30 Emotional dumping is when you verbally offload the intense rage, fear or sadness you feel onto someone you think should care. Emotional dumping指你把自己的愤怒、恐惧或者悲伤一股脑儿地说给一个你认为在乎你的人听,字面意思是情感倾倒。其实就是把不开心的...

  • emotional eating 情绪性进食

    16-04-27 Emotional eating is playing a substantial role in fuelling Australias obesity epidemic, according to a new research. 一项新的研究发现,情绪性进食是造成澳大利亚肥胖问题加剧的重要因素。 情绪性进食(emotional eating)指的是因为饥饿以外的原因产生的食欲...

  • 音乐情感能量视觉化

    16-02-24 Musical styles and genres differ around the world, but the emotional power of music is universally felt. To understand this evocative force, researchers in many fields, including information science, neural perception, and signal processing, investi...

  • emotional sunstroke 情绪中暑

    15-08-13 Rising temperatures are being accompanied by rising levels of road rage in the city, police said July 26. In a phenomenon they've dubbed emotional sunstroke , police say that drivers are more irritable in summer and that minor incidents can quickly...