• drift off 慢慢地睡去、进入梦乡

    22-02-18 1. drift off就是慢慢地睡去、进入梦乡的意思。 It was only when he finally drifted off to sleep that the headaches eased. 当他最终慢慢睡着时,头疼才减轻了。 2. right as rain rain有着吉祥、好运的含义,中文中也有及时雨的说法。 right as rain本来指非常健...

  • 随波逐流

    20-10-15 1. catch/get sbs drift drift表示大意,主旨,有两个相关表达: catch/get sbs drift 大致明白某人所说的话 if you catch/get my drift 你明白我的意思吧 另外,drift的动词意思是漂流,drift with the tide就是随波逐流;没有自己的观点;人云亦云。 2. captive的意...

  • drift-off moment 漂移时刻

    17-04-21 Drift-off moment is the moment in a sales presentation when the potential buyer imagines how much better their life will be if they purchase the product or service. 漂移时刻指的是在销售展示活动中,潜在买家设想购买了这种产品或服务,生活会变成什么样的...

  • 印度大陆板块漂移记

    15-05-06 In the history of continental drift, India has been a mysterious record-holder. More than 140 million years ago, India was part of an immense supercontinent called Gondwana, which covered much of the Southern Hemisphere. Around 120 million years ago...
