11-08-11 Bill was a retired, life long bachelor. He lived alone in the small terraced house(连栋房屋) next door but two from us. On a number of occasions, I visited Bill's house, and it seemed that it hadn't really changed much from the 50s. There were hin...
11-07-30 The personal computer has overtaken the family dog as man's best friend, according to a study. 最新研究表明,个人电脑已取代宠物狗,成为人类最好的朋友。 Researchers found that just 6 per cent of us believe that 'most people rely more on their dog tha...
11-07-14 Reggie: We have got a new dog. Would you like to come around and play with him? Ron: Well, I don't know---does he bite? Reggie: That's what I want to find out. 里基:我们又得到了一条新狗,你愿意过来和他玩一会吗? 罗恩:嗯,我不知道----它咬人吗? 里...
11-04-26 A little boy was practicing his violin, while his father sat reading the newspaper. The family dog began to howl(嚎叫) along dismally(沉闷地) . Finally, the father could endure the combination no more and said, Can't you play something the dog d...
11-03-01 A man walked into the office of the eminent(杰出的,有名的) psychiatrist(精神病学家) Dr. Von Vermouth, and sat down to explain his problem. Well, you see, I've got this problem, the man continued. I keep hallucinating(使产生幻觉) that I'm a do...
11-01-07 Researchers at Wofford College discovered that a Border Collie comprehends(理解,包含) the names of over 1000 objects, differentiating between names of objects and orders to fetch them. This research deepens the findings of researchers in Germany,...
10-11-08 Once there was a blind. One day when he was walking, he stepped the head of the dog who was sleeping. The dog barked for a while. The blind man went on for miles, this time he stepped the other dog's tail, so this dog barked. The blind man had thoug...
10-08-24 Before the time of this story, people in Asia used to say that there would never be a time when an elephant and a dog would be friends. Elephants simply did not like dogs, and dogs were afraid of elephants. When dogs are frightened by those who are...
10-07-02 In Puerto Rico many years ago near the Condado Lagoon, there lived a poor fisherman. He lived alone in a hut(小屋) . His only companion was his dog. The fisherman and his dog were devoted to each other. They might be seen strolling(散步) on the...
10-06-05 Canine lovers were in mourning Thursday at the news that a bug-eyed Chinese crested hairless pooch, who was officially crowned the World's Ugliest Dog, has died at age 17. 获评世界最丑的中国冠毛犬、暴眼无毛狗艾莉小姐近日去世,时年17岁。爱狗人士听闻...