• 和“狗”相关的英语表达

    22-11-16 英语中有不少和狗相关的成语,做下面的测验,通过题面来判断这些和狗相关的成语、说法或单词的意思。 1. A common English expression is like a dog with a bone. Which of these examples best fits this phrase? a) A person who wont stop until theyve solved a p...

  • 英国公司允许员工带狗上班

    22-09-26 疫情缓解后,为了吸引员工返岗,英国各家公司可谓是绞尽脑汁,奇招百出。有的公司允许员工带狗来上班,有的公司让员工免费健身,还有公司给员工预约美甲服务,这些激励措施效果如何呢? If you think that taking a pet dog into work with you would be a bit distrac...

  • dog days 三伏天

    22-07-22 三伏天,指出现在小暑与处暑之间,一年中气温最高且又潮湿、闷热的日子。可以用英文习语dog days表示,意思是the hottest days of the summer。 例句: 夏季三伏天是一年中最热的日子。 The dog days of summer are the hottest days of the year. 三伏天西瓜卖得快。...

  • top dog 公司里最重要的人物

    22-06-24 1.Top dog the most important person in an organization 公司里最重要的人物 例句:If you want a decision on that, youre going to have to get it approved by the top dog. 如果你想要决定这件事,你需要让它得到老板的同意。 2.More than one way to skin a cat...

  • to be dog tired 累趴下,累成狗

    22-06-24 1.To be dog tiredto be exhausted. 累趴下,累成狗 例句:I have worked 70 hours this week. I am dog tired. 我这周工作了70个小时。我都累趴下了。 2.Let the cat out of the bag to reveal a secret. 透露秘密 例句:Great! George in Finance knows about our ne...

  • 关于“开心快乐”的英文表达

    22-05-24 1. be full of the joys of spring 非常高兴;欢快 He bounced into the office, full of the joys of spring. 他兴高采烈地蹦跳着进了办公室。 2. like a dog with two tails 非常开心 When Paul won the first prize he was like a dog with two tails. 保罗获得了一...

  • dog days 炎炎夏日

    22-04-21 前不久,HM的一款新T恤突然在网上火了,为什么呢?因为它胸前写了一句英文:Dog Days Are Here? 啥意思?? 狗日子来了??? 嗯,就是因为大部分人都有了这个误解,所以这件衣服才火了。 不过,其实英语里的 dog days 指的是炎炎夏日。 为什么会有这样一个说法呢?这...

  • 中世纪的人对宠物有一些“独到”甚至奇葩的见解

    22-04-08 1. Feed your dog bread soaked in dirty water to keep it small. 不让狗变大的秘诀:把浸泡了脏水的面包喂给狗吃 Long before the days of designer dogs, people had some unusual methods of creating a pocket-sized pet. One 15th-century manuscript suggests a...

  • 跟狗狗有关的习惯表达

    22-04-02 1. to work like a dog 拼命工作,卖命工作 这句表达中像狗一样并不是贬义词,而是说狗代表着忠诚,也是说工作非常努力。例如: My brother worked like a dog to become successful. 我哥哥为了让自己更成功,工作很努力。 2. to help a lame dog over a stile 帮某人...

  • 日常生活中会用到dog的句子 下

    22-04-01 7. You can never teach an old dog new tricks. 老古董学不会新东西 Youre never going to teach your father at the age of 79 to use a computer. You cant teach an old dog new tricks, you know. 不要指望教你79岁的老父亲学会电脑。年长的人学不会新事物。 8. m...