• 《蓝精灵2》精彩词句

    23-01-31 1. Yo, take it down a notch, my blues brothers. 好啦,我的蓝精灵兄弟们,冷静一点吧。 2. You always barge in and ruin everything! Youre like a walking disaster! 你总是闯进来把一切搞糟!你就是个扫把星! 3. Holy smurf, Im a downer. 我的天啊,我是个令人...

  • walking encyclopedia 活百科全书

    21-07-15 Walking encyclopedia书也能走路?其实,这一搭配并不是说书会行走,而是强调一个人学识丰富、知识面广泛,什么都懂,就像一部活生生的百科全书。 Walking 这个词的意思是行走着的,也常与dictionary 词典和disaster 灾难搭配。Walking dictionary 指词汇量渊博的人,...

  • 200年前的人如何派对

    21-03-23 Are you a good dancer? We all know its awkward not to be aware of the latest cool moves, but 200 years ago this could have meant social disaster! A fictional ball from Jane Austins 1813 novel Pride and Prejudice was recreated for a BBC programme. It...

  • 在南极储存冰

    21-02-27 Where do you keep ice? In the freezer, of course. Thats what scientists might have thought when they were looking for a safe place to store ice from mountain glaciers from around the world. Theyve decided to store ice in Antarctica because global wa...

  • 面对台风杨柳中国启动四级应急响应

    19-08-29 China activated a level-IV emergency response on Wednesday for Typhoon Podul, according to the Ministry of Emergency Management. 面对台风杨柳中国周三已启动四级应急响应。 The State Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters has sent three working...

  • Underbrag 自黑

    16-08-31 Underbrag is when you brag your own disaster or situation that one would not normally brag about. Underbrag就是拿自己经历的灾难性事件或尴尬事件四处传播,一般人都不会拿这些事儿到处说。其实就是自黑。 Skilled underbraggers can get away with doing so be...

  • 尼泊尔此次地震在专家预料之中

    15-05-04 Nepal's devastating earthquake was the disaster experts knew was coming. 尼泊尔遭遇的此次毁灭性地震是在地震专家预料之中。 Just a week ago, about 50 earthquake and social scientists from around the world came to Kathmandu, Nepal, to figure out how to...

  • 土耳其一男子在警民冲突中被误杀

    14-05-23 A Turkish man who was shot in the head as police clashed with protesters in Istanbul has died of his injuries. 土耳其城市伊斯坦布尔一名男子在警察与抗议者的冲突中被击中头部,不治身亡。 The Turkish authorities say Ugur Kurt, 30, was not involved in th...

  • 土耳其工会发动罢工抗议矿难的发生

    14-05-15 Trade unions in Turkey have announced a one-day strike in protest at the country's worst ever mine disaster which has claimed at least 282 lives. 土耳其各工会宣布进行为期一天的罢工以抗议该国史上最严重的矿难,此次矿难造成至少282死亡。 Union officials...

  • 智利宣布三处地区为地震灾区

    14-04-02 Chile has declared three northern regions hit by a 8.2 magnitude earthquake to be disaster areas. 智利宣布北部三处遭8.2级地震袭击的区域为灾区。 At least five people are known to have died and tens of thousands of people have been evacuated. The quak...