• 《蓝精灵2》精彩语句

    14-03-11 Holy smurf, I'm a downer. 我的天啊,我是个令人沮丧的人。 You're playing dirty now! 你在使诈! I do believe we got off on the wrong foot earlier. 我承认我们刚开始没给对方留下好印象。 Yo, take it down a notch, my blues brothers. 好啦,我的蓝精灵兄弟们...

  • 兔死狗烹

    12-11-01 During the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476BC), there were two famous senior officials in the State of Yue. The King of the Yue named Gou Jian didn't accept the advice of Fan Li and blindly launched an attack against the neighboring State of Wu. A...

  • 自然灾害影响人类认知能力

    12-02-13 Not surprisingly, victims of a natural disaster can experience stress and anxiety, but a new study indicates that it might also cause them to make more errors -- some serious- in their daily lives. In their upcoming Human Factors article, Earthquake...

  • 菲律宾总统视察台风灾区

    11-12-20 Philippines President Benigno Aquino is visiting parts of the country which have been devastated by deadly storms. 菲律宾总统比尼格诺阿基诺正在慰问部分被暴风雨袭击的灾区人民。 Nearly 1,000 people were killed after Typhoon Washi hit southern Mindanao...

  • post-disaster reconstruction 灾后重建

    11-11-23 US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton urged the conference to look beyond financial assistance to Haiti. We have to pledge to do better ourselves at effective post-disaster reconstruction, she said, adding that the goal is now to empower the Haitian...

  • 菅直人承诺不会抛弃海啸生还者

    11-04-11 Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan has told survivors of last month's devastating tsunami that his government will never abandon them. 日本首相菅直人向上月毁灭性海啸的幸存者承诺,日本政府绝不会抛弃他们。 Naoto Kan tried to reassure locals that the fi...

  • 帮助儿童处理灾后精神综合症

    11-01-13 Living through a natural disaster is a traumatic experience(惨痛的经历) for everyone, but especially for children. A new study by University of Miami Psychologist Annette La Greca and her collaborators, indicate that some children who directly exp...

  • 2010年大部分灾难系人类活动造成

    10-12-26 This was the year the Earth struck back. 今年,地球开始反击了。 Earthquakes, heat waves, floods, volcanoes, super typhoons, blizzards(暴风雪) , landslides and droughts killed at least a quarter million people in 2010 the deadliest year in more tha...

  • 新西兰将成立矿难调查委员会

    10-11-29 The New Zealand cabinet has agreed to open a Royal Commission of Inquiry into the Pike River mining disaster in which 29 miners died. 新西兰内阁同意成立一个皇家调查委员会对派可河矿难进行调查。 Fires in the Pike River mine could delay the recovery of...

  • 新西兰将对格雷矛斯矿难进行全面调查

    10-11-25 New Zealand's Prime Minister John Key has promised an investigation into the deaths of 29 miners at the Pike River mine on South Island. 新西兰总理约翰基承诺对南岛派可河煤矿29名矿工的死亡原因进行调查。 The operator of the mine said it would make eve...