• 孙杨被苏州大学以研究生学位录取

    15-04-09 Olympic swimming champion Sun Yang has been preliminarily accepted by Suzhou University for a post-graduate degree. 奥运会游泳冠军孙杨初步被苏州大学以研究生学位录...

  • 工程学专业前途远大

    15-04-06 Engineering is the most common degree among the worlds top billionaires, researchers say. 研究人员称,工程学学位是世界顶级亿万富豪中最常见的一个学位。 More than a fifth of the 100 wealthiest people studied the subject, which accounts for twice as ma...

  • 美国大学学习相关词汇

    13-10-15 Accreditation 认证,由美国教育部或是美国高等教育认证委员会承认的认证机构评定为达到某一标准的大学即为被认证的大学。 Associate's Degree 副学士学位,通常是社区学院或两年制专科学校颁发给毕业生的文凭,有些人凭借副学士学位的学分转学至四年制大学,有的人拿...

  • 2013热门职业排行

    12-12-14 Struggling to find a job? If youre an accountant, computer systems analyst or event coordinator, there's a good chance your luck will change in 2013. 你还在为找工作苦苦挣扎吗?如果你是一名会计师、计算机系统分析师或是活动协调员,那么2013年你将很可能...

  • 韩国高学历女性难觅对象

    12-03-26 If you are thirty-plus and a woman with a masters degree in South Korea, you may need the help of a matchmaker to find love -- and your worried mother may even end up doing the legwork for you. 如果你是一个三十多岁的韩国女硕士,那么你可能需要媒人的...

  • 英1/5大学毕业生薪水不及高中生

    11-09-03 One in five graduates earns less than a person who left school with as little as one A-level. 英国1/5的大学毕业生赚得比那些只参加过中学高级水平考试的高中毕业生还少。 The official figures raise doubts that thousands of students have wasted their time...

  • 留学申请专业术语3

    11-06-16 Maintenance:基本维持费用;在学校中通常指学费之外的花费,包括住宿、书本、衣物、交通等费用。 Matriculation:录取入学;(大学的)入学考试。 Major:主修。学生所选择专攻的领域。 Master's Degree:硕士学位。 Minor:辅修;相对于主修科目,学生专攻课程之外的...

  • 留学申请专业术语1

    11-06-16 Academic year:组成学年的单位,如:学期、学季等。 Academic advisor:由学校中的教授或职员担任,帮助学生学业问题的顾问。 Accreditation:资格认可。申请学校时应特别注意所申请的学校是否被有关机关认可。 Admission:入学许可。 Advanced placement:申请美国大...

  • Perseverance is a virtue

    11-03-30 Many years after receiving my graduate degree, I returned to the State University of New York at Binghamton as a faculty member. One day in a crowded elevator, someone remarked on its inefficiency. I said the elevators had not changed in the 20 year...

  • 尼日尔执政团希望总统候选人具有学位资历

    10-05-25 Niger's military rulers have suggested that only those with a university degree should be allowed to run in presidential elections. 尼日尔军事统治者建议,只有具备大学学位的人才有资格参加总统选举。 Mr Tandja, now in his 70s, was ousted in February by...