• the third degree 严厉盘问

    21-05-13 表达 to give someone the third degree 的意思是 为了获取信息而严刑逼问某人。它的原义是警察对罪犯、嫌疑人进行拷问,但在日常生活中,to give someone the third degree 也可以指 严厉地盘问某人。 例句 Our teacher gave us the third degree for being late to c...

  • Mansfield Park - Chapter 11

    21-05-06 The day at Sotherton, with all its imperfections, afforded the Miss Bertrams much more agreeable feelings than were derived from the letters from Antigua, which soon afterwards reached Mansfield. It was much pleasanter to think of Henry Crawford tha...

  • lead by the nose 牵着鼻子走

    21-04-15 牵着(某人)鼻子走,中文俗语,比喻受人支配,盲目地听命于人。与英文习语lead by the nose意思相近,表示dominate or control someone,exert a high degree of control over someone else。 例句: 不要让别人牵着鼻子走,要自己拿主意。 Dont let others lead you...

  • 学位法草案面向社会公开征求意见

    21-03-21 为了完善我国学位法律制度,促进研究生教育事业发展,提升学位工作质量,教育部研究形成了《中华人民共和国学位法草案(征求意见稿)》,并于近日发布公告,面向社会公开征求意见。 Institutions of higher education that award degrees can deprive a student of a d...

  • Emma 爱玛 - Chapter 45

    21-03-18 Emmas pensive meditations, as she walked home, were not interrupted; but on entering the parlour, she found those who must rouse her. Mr. Knightley and Harriet had arrived during her absence, and were sitting with her father.--Mr. Knightley immediat...

  • Emma 爱玛 - Chapter 23

    21-03-17 Small heart had Harriet for visiting. Only half an hour before her friend called for her at Mrs. Goddards, her evil stars had led her to the very spot where, at that moment, a trunk, directed to The Rev. Philip Elton, White-Hart, Bath, was to be see...

  • Emma 爱玛 - Chapter 19

    21-03-17 Emma and Harriet had been walking together one morning, and, in Emmas opinion, had been talking enough of Mr. Elton for that day. She could not think that Harriets solace or her own sins required more; and she was therefore industriously getting rid...

  • Emma 爱玛 - Chapter 14

    21-03-17 Some change of countenance was necessary for each gentleman as they walked into Mrs. Westons drawing-room;--Mr. Elton must compose his joyous looks, and Mr. John Knightley disperse his ill-humour. Mr. Elton must smile less, and Mr. John Knightley mo...

  • 如何拿到英国大学的“一等学士学位”

    21-02-24 获得一等学士学位是对英国大学毕业生最高的学术肯定。想得到 a first-class degree 一等学士学位难吗? Our parents always tell us that if we work hard, we will do well. If youre studying at university this ultimately means passing your exams and achieving...

  • 英国:学历和收入之间的关系

    21-02-10 上大学获取一个学位可不是件容易的事。大多数人相信,获得大学文凭对一名毕业生的未来职业发展必有帮助。但这一纸文凭究竟有那么管用吗?学生所学习的专业会影响其未来的就业和收入吗? Whats the point of studying?! Its something you might ask yourself if youre...