• 电影不好看的一些征兆

    22-01-21 01 台词雷人 If the character points out something that is blatantly obvious. In a world where one man has to save the world. Man: I have to save the world. 角色台词都是废话。比如在一个英雄拯救世界的剧情里,英雄这样说:我必须拯救世界。 Starts with to...

  • attain a high degree of perfection 炉火纯青

    22-01-10 炉火纯青,汉语成语,原本指道家炼丹时,等到炉子里的火发出纯青色的火焰时就算成功。后比喻技术、学问等达到了纯熟的地步。可以翻译为attain a high degree of perfection,reach the acme of perfection。 例句: 达到炉火纯青的地步 Reach high excellence 他的山水...

  • work your socks off 拼命干活

    21-12-06 非正式表达 work your socks off 拼命地干活,连袜子都掉了被用来形容为达成目标而十分勤奋、努力地做某事。 例句 I worked my socks off at university and graduated with a great degree. If you want to progress in this company youll have to work your socks o...

  • 重庆大学25岁博导冯磊在网络上引发关注

    21-10-26 25岁被重庆大学作为人才引进,直接聘为正高/博导岗位,入职半年实现学院顶级国际学术会议论文零的突破近日,重庆大学计算机学院95后博导冯磊在网络上引发关注。 Feng Lei, who holds a PhD degree in Computer Science and Engineering from Nanyang Technological Uni...

  • 人文知识练习附讲解 2

    21-10-24 1. Where is Edinburgh? A. In Wales B. In Scotland C. In Northern Ireland D. In Ireland 2. Which of the following is Not a U.S. news and cable network? A. ABC B. CNN C. CBS D. BBC 3. The Capital of Australia is __. A. Sydney B. Melbourne C. Canberra...

  • 人文知识综合练习 1

    21-10-09 1.Which of the folowing is NOT a compound word? A. Landlady B. Greenhouse C. Uplift D. Unacceptable [题解]D 属derivation 2.The word holiday originally meant holy day; but now the word signifies any day on which we dont have to work. This is an examp...

  • 人文知识考点

    21-10-04 1.Which of the folowing is NOT a compound word? A. Landlady B. Greenhouse C. Uplift D. Unacceptable 2.The word holiday originally meant holy day; but now the word signifies any day on which we dont have to work. This is an example of ____ A. meann...

  • lay your cards on the table 摊牌

    21-08-30 短语 lay (or put) your cards on the table 的意思是摊牌,也就是开诚布公地把自己的思想、感情和意图说出来。 例句 I think its time to lay your cards on the table. Tell me honestly why you dont like my new boyfriend. Sue laid her cards on the table and t...

  • 如何区分doctor的两层含义

    21-08-23 说到doctor,问题就来了,doctor既可以表示医生,也可以表示博士。那么到底应该如何区分这两层含义呢? doctor的两层含义如何区分? doctor的第一层含义是指接受过专业训练、可以给他人治病的人,也就是医生。 You should see a doctor about that cough. 你应该找医生...

  • to lose sleep over something 过度担忧而失眠

    21-08-02 短语 lose sleep over something 可用来表述一个人因某事而感到担忧、有压力从而失眠。这个表达常以否定形式出现来劝说人们不要有太多压力。 例句 I know changing your degree is very stressful, but dont lose sleep over it. The university will make it very str...