• 路易威登迄今最贵手提包 5.5万美元

    15-12-03 Just in time for holiday shopping - for an incredibly small selection of uber-wealthy customers - Louis Vuitton has unveiled its most expensive handbag of the moment: a $55,000 alligator skin purse. 正值假日购物旺季,为吸引少数的富有顾客,路易威登推...

  • 中国大量需求造成澳洲奶粉短缺

    15-11-15 Watching your products fly off the shelves is not usually regarded as a problem by most companies. But for the Australian maker of a popular baby milk powder, demand from China is resulting in shortages on domestic shelves and anger among loyal cust...

  • 花旗正在测试扫描视网膜取款技术

    15-11-06 Citigroup is testing new technology that will allow customers to withdraw money using retinal scanning. 花旗银行正在测试允许客户通过扫描视网膜取款的新技术。 The bank wants to replace PIN codes with biometric scanners that could identify customers us...

  • 性感万圣节新套装:川普套装

    15-10-05 From the people who brought you sexy Olaf the snowman and sexy Mickey Mouse, comes a new addition to the list of racy Halloween costumes that make you cringe a little bit: sexy Donald Trump. 继性感版的雪宝奥利弗套装和米奇套装之后,这个让人有点难为情...

  • 旧金山一家全自助快餐店开业

    15-09-14 A San Francisco fast food restaurant has opened with no waiting staff or cashiers and instead dispenses its meals using a giant vending machine. 旧金山一家快餐店开张了,不过店里没有服务生和收银员,只有一台巨大的自动贩卖机分发食物。 Customers of eats...

  • 监狱风格的饭店在吉林开张

    15-08-26 A novel restaurant modeled after a prison has attracted hundreds of curious customers in the city Jilin in Jilin Province in northeast China. 中国东北吉林省吉林市,一家模仿监狱建造的新奇饭店吸引了数以百计的好奇顾客前来消费。 Customers have their mea...

  • 京东启动“美国馆”服务

    15-07-22 China's largest online direct sales company, JD.com, has launched of a U.S. Mall, where Chinese customers can buy authentic products that are imported from the United States. 中国最大的在线直销商京东启动一项美国馆服务,中国消费者可在该商城中买到从美...

  • 麦当劳推出自助汉堡机

    15-07-16 McDonald's, the world's largest fast-food hamburger chain, is providing Shanghai customers with the opportunity to craft their own burgers with touchscreen kiosks. 麦当劳,世界上最大的快餐汉堡连锁店,将向上海消费者提供触摸屏自制汉堡的服务。 The Crea...

  • 京东金融借贷业务增长迅速

    15-07-01 JD Finance has reported rapid growth in its consumer finance business. 京东金融报道,消费者金融业务增长迅速。 The Internet financial services provider said that the amount its customers borrowed jumped by more than 7-hundred percent in June compared...

  • 美国网站出售定制土豆代替贺卡

    15-06-19 Why send a greeting card when you can send a potato? 送土豆多有趣呀,谁还要送贺卡? That's the reasoning behind one e-commerce site, which mails actual potatoes which feature personalized messages from their customers for $8 to $10. PotatoParcel.com...