• 市场监管总局将治理网络不正当竞争现象

    21-08-19 8月17日,市场监管总局发布《禁止网络不正当竞争行为规定》征求意见稿,面向社会公开征求意见。 According to a document published on the website of the State Administration for Market Regulation, business operators should not use data, algorithms or other...

  • 美国某出租车公司拒载接种新冠疫苗的乘客

    21-08-10 据美国密苏里州当地电视台KMOV报道,该州出租车公司Yo Transportation老板查理布林顿拒绝搭载戴口罩或者接种过新冠疫苗的乘客。布林顿说,根据他的研究,他认为口罩就是细菌捕捉器。 A taxi company in St. Louis, Missouri, is turning away customers vaccinated aga...

  • 罗马街头出现披萨自动贩卖机

    21-06-28 最近,一款披萨自动贩卖机出现在罗马街头,食客将现金塞进红色的机器里,三分钟后一张热乎乎香喷喷的披萨就出炉了。 Rome has a new vending machine which slides out freshly cooked pizzas in just three minutes. 罗马出现了一台全新的自动售货机,它能在三分钟内...

  • 获得“派对狂欢比赛”金牌

    21-02-27 巴西里约热内卢准备迎接成千上万前来参加奥林匹克运动会这一世界上最大体育盛事的游客们。这座巴西现代城市会给我们带来怎样的惊喜?巴西是否从举办2014年世界杯比赛过程中吸取了经验教训以便更成功地举办2016年奥运会? Brazilians certainly know how to throw a par...

  • 快购时代的连环退货买家

    21-01-07 在当今时代,时尚业竞争激烈,零售商们用各种方式让退货变得不再困难。大多数情况下,消费者们只需要把服饰带回服装店就可以了。这虽然让退换货物变得非常方便,却催生出了不少先大量购买商品,再退还回去的买家。这看似无伤大雅,但公司的利润却因此受到影响。面临这...

  • wonky food 歪瓜裂枣

    20-09-25 A supermarket in Canada is urging its customers to remember that beauty is only skin deep, as it begins selling smaller, misshapen produce to help cut waste. 加拿大超市Loblaws鼓励消费者铭记美貌不只限于外表,为减少食品浪费,力推歪瓜裂枣。 Loblaws, th...

  • 纽约餐馆加收10%“疫情恢复费”

    20-09-22 New York City diners may soon see a Covid-19 surcharge on their bills as the restaurant industry continues to hobble due to the coronavirus pandemic. 由于新冠疫情,餐饮业的处境仍然艰难,纽约市的食客们可能很快就会在账单上看到疫情恢复费。 The New York...

  • 9成以上国人外出就餐习惯打包

    20-09-11 A recent survey has shown that 91.2% of the Chinese respondents tend to take home their leftovers when dining out. 近日的一项调查显示,91.2%的国内受访者外出就餐时有打包剩菜的习惯。 Around 92% of the respondents believed saving food is a virtue that...

  • 亚马逊已开始测试“徒手”支付

    19-09-10 Forget the titanium Apple Card - Amazons latest payment method uses flesh and blood. 苹果公司的Apple Card钛金卡可以收起来了,亚马逊的最新支付方式只要用户伸手就可以。 The e-tailing giants engineers are quietly testing scanners that can identify an in...

  • 星巴克停用塑料制品推广到中国

    19-04-23 Starbucks is moving forward with its campaign to reduce its use of plastic. 星巴克将继续推进减少塑料制品的活动。 With customers in Shanghai and Shenzhen the first in China to be offered paper straws and strawless sippy lids, rather than plastic stra...