• 欧元创始人表示欧元区可能瓦解

    12-08-18 One of the founding fathers of the euro admits that some states may be forced to abandon the single currency, but insists Germany would be better off staying in. 欧元的创始人之一奥托马伊辛近日表示,一些欧元区国家可能被迫放弃这一单一货币,但他认为德...

  • 南苏丹下周将发行货币

    11-07-12 South Sudan, the world's newest country, will launch its currency next week, officials say. 官员称,南苏丹世界上最新建立的国家下周将发行自己的货币。 Southerners fought a long war for independence The South Sudan pound will feature the image of the l...

  • 美国:数字货币将取代传统钱包

    11-07-03 The old-fashioned wallet will be obsolete in the US within four years, an electronic payments company has claimed. 某电子支付公司称,传统的钱包四年内将会在美国过时。 Scott Thompson, the president of PayPal, said: We believe that by 2015 digital curr...

  • 人民币对美元汇率创新高

    11-05-30 China's yuan has hit a record high against the US dollar after the US Treasury department said the Chinese currency was undervalued but not manipulated. 美国财政部称,中国货币价值被低估而非被操纵,人民币对美元汇率因此达到史上新高。 The yuan's pricin...

  • 日本政府干预经济 抑制日元升值

    10-09-15 Japan's leading shares have risen by almost 3% after authorities intervened in the currency markets to weaken the value of the yen against the dollar. 日本当局干预货币市场以降低日元对美元汇率,各主要股票因此上涨几乎3%。 The central bank stepped in t...

  • 南苏丹面临货币危机

    10-08-24 South Sudan has accused the north of switching payments of oil revenue from US dollars to the local currency in violation of their peace accord. 南苏丹指责北苏丹将石油收入款由美元转换成当地货币,违反了双方的和平协议。 The authorities in the north co...

  • 委内瑞拉总统提醒 警惕“投机倒把”

    10-01-11 Venezuela's President, Hugo Chavez, has said troops will seize control of any business that raise prices in response to the devaluation of its currency. 委内瑞拉总统乌戈查韦斯称,军队会控制住任何因货币贬值而提高物价的商户。 Venezuelans have rushed t...

  • 阿根廷央行首脑退位

    10-01-08 Argentina's central bank boss has stepped down after the president signed a decree firing him for refusing to use currency reserves to pay foreign debt. 阿根廷央行首脑拒绝使用货币储备来支付外债,总统签署一项法令要解雇他,他因此退位。 Mrs Fernandez d...

  • Kuwait wants Gulf currency delay 科威特希望延迟海湾货币统一

    09-10-12 Kuwait has called for the launch of a Gulf monetary union and single currency - due in 2010 - to be delayed so it could address technical issues. 科威特要求定于2010年进行的海湾货币同盟和单一货币活动进行推迟,以便解决其技术问题。 Kuwait is one of fou...

  • 拉美左翼集团将用虚币货币交易

    09-08-21 Authorities in China have closed a second metal smelter after more than 1,300 children fell sick with lead poisoning, state media have reported. 中国国家媒体报道,超过1300名附近儿童患铅中毒,当局已经关掉第二座熔炉。 This smelter in Shaanxi province...