• 神舟十二号乘组返回后首次与媒体和公众正式见面

    21-12-08 12月7日下午,中国航天员科研训练中心在北京航天城举行神舟十二号航天员乘组与记者见面会。这是神舟十二号乘组返回后,首次与媒体和公众正式见面。 见面会上,中国人民解放军航天员大队大队长景海鹏介绍了乘组返回后恢复情况及后续打算。 According to Jing, the recov...

  • 小狗漂流大海220公里获救

    19-04-17 A dog found swimming more than 220 kilometers (135 miles) from shore by workers on an oil rig crew in the Gulf of Thailand has been returned safely to land. 泰国湾一个石油钻井平台上的工作人员在距离海岸220多公里(135英里)的海面上发现一只小狗,目前这...

  • 飞机驾驶舱内将严禁抽烟

    19-01-25 All domestic airlines were ordered to immediately prohibit smoking in the cockpit and to severely punish crew members who violate the ban, a notice issued by the Civil Aviation Administration of China said on Tuesday. 中国民用航空据周二发布通知,所...

  • 一艘纽埃船只在黄海沉没 3人失踪

    17-12-05 Seven people have been rescued and three remain missing after a Niuean boat sank on Monday in waters off the city of Weihai, east Chinas Shandong Province, rescuers said Tuesday. 本周一,一艘纽埃船只在威海附近海域沉没,7人获救、3人失踪。 The boat SH...

  • 印度航空让“超重”空乘停止舱内服务

    15-09-20 India's national carrier Air India is set to ground 125 overweight cabin crew members. 印度国家航空公司印度航空准备让125名超重空乘人员停止机舱内服务。 An Air India official told the BBC that the order had been made on the basis of a document issued...

  • 俄一艘渔船在远东沉没 54人遇难

    15-04-02 A Russian trawler has sunk off the Kamchatka peninsula in Russia's Far East, with 54 sailors so far confirmed dead. 俄罗斯一艘拖网渔船在远东地区勘察加搬到海域沉没,目前已有54名船员确认遇难。 A maritime rescue center in the region says 63 people have...

  • 韩国“岁月号”船长获36年有期徒刑

    14-11-12 A South Korean court yesterday handed a 36 year prison sentence to the captain of the sunken ferry 'Sewol'. 韩国一家法院昨日判处岁月号客轮船长36年有期徒刑。 The chief engineer received 30 years, and 13 other crew members were sentenced to up to 20 y...

  • 英航罢工第三天 三成以上航班被取消

    10-03-23 More than a third of British Airways flights at the UK's major airports have so far been cancelled on the third day of strike action by cabin crew. 英国航空公司航班服务人员举行罢工的第三天,英国各大机场超过三分之一的航班被迫取消。 According to BA's...
