• 你所知道的真的就是事实吗?

    20-09-18 We keep arguing about what truth really is. 我们一直在争论到底什么才是事实。 And, most of the time, we insist that what we know is the truth. 而大多数时候我们都坚信自己知道的是事实。 But in the end, what is the sound of truth? 可是,说到底,到底什么...

  • 《疯狂的外星人》发布幕后花絮

    19-01-09 The upcoming science fiction comedy Crazy Alien directed by Ning Hao has released a special behind-the-scenes edition. 宁浩执导的科幻喜剧《疯狂的外星人》发布一段特殊的幕后花絮。 The film, which will appear in cinemas on Feb 5, marks Nings seventh co...

  • 英文如何表达“要疯”

    17-03-07 1. Drive sb up the wall 把某人逼上墙,你可别以为这里有壁咚的意思,它同样表示把人逼得实在受不了了。 例:My flat-mate is driving me up the wall. 跟我合租的人快要把我逼疯了。 2. Drive sb crazy Drive本身有驱使的意味,这个短语表示把某人带向一种疯狂的境地...

  • A Final Ease

    16-03-15 A Final Ease Barry Spacks After the vaunting reach for gold, feeling no need for a curtain-call, I'd leave the stage with ardor cooled as Sisyphus, at the foot of the hill, might give it all up, the crazy rote of shove and sweat he'd always known, c...

  • 《幸运查克》六

    13-11-14 精彩对白 Chuck: Here. Cam: Thanks. Charlie? Chuck: I'm sorry. Please don't be mad. Antarctica? You couldn't have just taken her to a movie? Cam: Charlie... Chuck: Look, I know that it's crazy that I'm here, but it felt even crazier not to come. Stew...

  • 《缘分天注定》五

    13-08-14 精彩对白 Pastor: I, Jonathan, take you, Halley, to be my wife, and I promise to love and sustain you in the bonds of marriage from this day forward. And obviously, Jonathan, you'll be looking at Halley. And that's when the actual ceremony will concl...

  • 《忠犬八公的故事》四

    13-03-12 精彩对白 Parker: Hachi! Wife: That's great, Jake. Jake: Thanks. Parker: Kate. You seen Hachi? He wasn't at the station. Kate: No, I haven't seen him since this morning. Come here. Look at her. Can you believe they had her covered for 30 years? Isn't...

  • 《伴娘我最大》五

    12-08-31 精彩对白 Annie: Do you mind actually if I go by myself? Helen: Sure. Okay. Annie: Lil? Lillian? Lil? Lillian: Go away. Annie: What happened? Lillian: This whole wedding is fucked up . Helen just took over everything, and everything's got out of cont...

  • 《暮光之城》一

    11-01-04 影片对白 Eric: You're Isabella Swan, the new girl. Hi, I'm Eric, the eyes and ears of this place . Anything you need, tour guide, lunch date, shoulder to cry on? Bella: I'm really kind of the more suffer-in-silence type. Eric: Good headline for your...

  • The Age and Daydreaming

    10-12-14 The teacher noticed that Johnny had been daydreaming for a long time. She decided to get his attention. Johnny, she said, If the world is 25,000 miles around and eggs are sixty cents a dozen, how old am I? Thirty-four, Johnny answered unhesitatingly...