• 《冰雪奇缘》第11章

    23-01-29 Kristoff held the reins tightly, steering Sven and the sled through the thick, heavy snow. The night sky was cloudy with the promise of still more snow. Hang on! Kristoff yelled to his passenger. We like to go fast! Sven responded happily and charge...

  • 《海底总动员-1》第9章

    23-01-18 Marlin had the address from the mask: 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney. But where was Wallaby Way? Where was Sydney? He had to ask for directions. A school of silvery moonfish swirled past. Maybe they knew. Excuse me, Marlin said as they rushed by. Uhhello? T...

  • 《赛车总动员》第12章

    22-11-16 Turn right to go left, Lightning muttered later that afternoon as he pulled Bessie down the road. He was filthy and covered with cactus thorns. Guess what? I tried it, and you know what? This crazy thing happenedI went right! You keep talking to you...

  • 《赛车总动员》第8章

    22-11-16 This here is Bessie, Doc said as he showed Lightning the massive piece of heavy machinery. She was steaming and dripping, and she was covered by a thick layer of tar. Finest road-pavin machine ever built, Doc announced. Im hereby sentencing you to c...

  • 《魔发奇缘》第9章

    22-09-07 More confident than ever before, Rapunzel presented her plan to Flynn: Well, tomorrow night, they will light the night sky with these lanterns. You will act as my guide, take me to the castle, and return me home safely. Then and only then will I ret...

  • like crazy 不管不顾,象疯了一样

    22-08-25 今天播音我差点儿迟到。本来出门挺早的,谁知道路上遇到车祸,堵了个水泄不通。原来半个小时的路,我足足开了一个半小时。我一停好车,就向办公室飞奔,冲进演播室的时候,只剩下三分钟的时间了。 这倒让我想起一个可以跟大家交流的习惯用语,叫like crazy. 大家都知道...

  • 英文怎么表达“我爱你” 上

    22-08-08 1. Im totally into you. 我完全被你迷住了。 2. You mean so much to me. 在我心中,你太重要了。 3. You complete me. 感谢有你,让我完整。 4. Im in love with you. 我爱上你了。 5. Youre my ideal woman/man. 你就是我梦中的那个人。 6. Youre my angel. 你就是...

  • 这些话不要轻易对单身人士说 下

    22-04-28 14. Just dont turn into some crazy cat lady. 千万不要变成一个爱猫狂啊,大姐。 15. She probably just lost your number. 她可能只是把你的号码弄丢了。 16. At a wedding: You better get out there, theyre doing the bouquet toss. 在婚礼上:你最好离开这儿,...

  • 妮可·基德曼的演艺生涯 上

    22-04-15 Over 70 performances youve had, of characters that youve played to me when I look at some of this stuff, and obviously, this year you have two films, Boy Erased and Destroyer, which you guys are lucky enough to be going to see after we finish chatti...

  • Tell me about it. 可不是嘛。

    20-10-15 如果有人对你说Tell me about it.可千万不要再喋喋不休的说下去,因为这个句子的意思是:可不是嘛!(好了,我同意,你别再说了。) 例句: A:His attitude is driving me crazy. 他的态度真的快让我疯掉了。 B:Tell me about it. 可不是嘛! 如果你希望别人告诉你,...