• LinkedIn将在上海建立区域总部

    15-09-08 Business networking site LinkedIn has signed an agreement with the Municipal Government of Shanghai to establish its regional headquarters in the city. 商业网站LinkedIn与上海市政府签署一项协议,该网站将在上海建立其区域总部。 As part of the deal, Lin...

  • 关于谷歌的几件趣事

    15-08-23 1. Google officially prefers dogs over cats The company's love of dogs is written into its corporate code of conduct: Googles affection for our canine friends is an integral facet of our corporate culture. We like cats, but were a dog company, so as...

  • 东风将与瑞典车企开发新能源汽车

    15-08-18 Chinese automaker Dongfeng Motors has reached a deal with the owner of Swedish auto brand Saab to develop new-energy vehicles. 中国汽车制造商东风汽车与瑞典汽车品牌萨博的所有者达成协议,开发新能源汽车。 Dongfeng and National Electric Vehicle Sweden a...

  • 现代电子邮件礼仪十条 上

    15-08-16 1. Include a clear, direct subject line. Examples of a good subject line include Meeting date changed, Quick question about your presentation, or Suggestions for the proposal. People often decide whether to open an email based on the subject line, P...

  • Netflix员工产假长达一年

    15-08-09 Netflix announced Tuesday it will begin offering unlimited paid time off to employees during their first year as new parents, one of the most generous parental leave packages offered in the competitive tech industry. Netflix公司4日宣布,在员工们初为...

  • 高盛前副主席迈克尔·埃文斯加盟阿里巴巴

    15-08-05 Alibaba Group has named Michael Evans, a former executive of Goldman Sachs Group, as president of the company to lead its global expansion. 阿里巴巴集团任命迈克尔埃文斯,高盛集团前副主席,为公司总裁领导全球扩张业务。 Evans will be responsible for le...

  • 庆丰包子宣布将于明年上市

    15-08-04 Qing-feng, a renowned Beijing-based restaurant chain known for its steamed dumplings, has announced plans to go public next year. 庆丰,一家源于北京、因包子而闻名的连锁餐厅,宣布计划于明年上市。 The company says it hopes to list on the New Third Boa...

  • 中国移动宣布降薪方案

    15-07-23 The annual salaries of senior management at China Mobile will be slashed by half, and other lower level management salaries will also be lowed accordingly. 中国移动高层管理人员年薪将削减一半,其他低层次管理人员的薪水也将相应下降。 The state-owned te...

  • 106家中国企业进入世界500强

    15-07-23 106 Chinese companies made this year's Fortune Global 500 list, up from 100 firms in 2014. 2015年有106家中国公司进入《财富》杂志世界500强,2014年这个数字是100。 According to the annual ranking released Wednesday, Sinopec, China's top oil refiner was...

  • A Mens-Only Weight Loss Program

    15-05-21 A guy calls a company and orders their 5-day, 10 lb. weight loss program. The next day, there's a knock on the door and there stands before him a voluptuous, athletic, 19 year old babe with a sign around her neck. She introduces herself as a represe...