• 中国电信获评亚洲最佳管理公司

    16-12-22 China Telecom has been voted as No. 1 Overall Best Managed Company in Asia in Euromoneys Best Managed Companies Survey 2016. 欧洲货币杂志2016最佳管理公司调查,中国电信获评亚洲最佳管理公司。 In addition, China Telecom was also named as No.1 Best Mana...

  • 中国开发商对埃及新首都进行巨额投资

    16-10-28 Egypts new capital city moved a step closer to reality with the announcement that Chinese developers will largely fund the megaproject. 中国开发商宣布了对埃及新首都大型工程的巨额投资后,这座新首都向成为现实又迈进了一步。 The China Fortune Land Devel...

  • 土耳其某公司打造能变形的汽车

    16-10-07 Thirty-some years after making their debut as cartoon characters, vehicle-morphing Transformers have finally become a reality, thanks to the efforts of a Turkish company out of Ankara. 《变形金刚》卡通形象问世30多年之后,能变形的汽车终于成为现实,这...

  • Heartache leave 失恋假

    16-08-31 We are all familiar with sick leave, either paid or unpaid, as part of our employment package. But a Japanese company has introduced the concept of heartache leave to their employees. 带薪或无薪病假这种工作福利我们已经很熟悉了。不过,日本有家公司为...

  • 接受工作前应该问清的10个关键问题 下

    16-06-27 6. What do you dislike the most about working at the company? Forcing your potential employer to be honest and open up to you can give you great insights into how happy youll be as one of their colleagues. 7. How was your weekend? Yes, really, said...

  • Emma 爱玛 - Chapter 4

    16-06-17 Harriet Smiths intimacy at Hartfield was soon a settled thing. Quick and decided in her ways, Emma lost no time in inviting, encouraging, and telling her to come very often; and as their acquaintance increased, so did their satisfaction in each othe...

  • 中国电影集团宣布与派拉蒙电影进行合作

    16-04-20 China Film Company has announced cooperation with Paramount Pictures in the US. 中国电影集团宣布与美国派拉蒙电影公司进行深度合作。 The production and distribution deal was announced during the ongoing Beijing International Film Festival. CFCs Chairm...

  • 面试时一些出人意料的问题 下

    16-04-09 What is your five-year plan? When interviewers ask this question, they want to know if you will last at the company. Picture where your career is going. Maybe the job youre applying for is only a stepping stone to a bigger and better career. Letting...

  • 美国部分公司给员工“失宠假”

    16-03-26 Some pet owners across the US can now take time off work to grieve properly after losing their beloved companions. 如今,部分美国人可以向公司请失宠假,去悼念他们死去的宠物了。 At least three national companies have now chosen to offer pet bereavemen...

  • 日本的员工比他国员工更不信任自己的雇主

    16-02-22 A study found that workers in Japan distrust their employers significantly more than workers in the US, UK, Canada and Australia do. 一项调查显示,日本的员工比美国、英国、加拿大、澳大利亚等国的员工更不信任自己的雇主。 In the past, Japanese work cult...