• sweatshop 血汗工厂

    12-06-20 The Italian brand Gucci became the subject of criticism after five former employees at its Shenzhen flagship store publicly released an open letter claiming that the company was a sweatshop . 近日,曾在深圳的意大利名牌Gucci旗舰店工作过的五名员工发表...

  • A Lady Named Lill

    12-06-19 Lillian was a young French Canadian girl who grew up in the farming community of River Canard, Ontario. At the age of 16, her father thought Lill has had enough schooling, and she was forced to drop out of school to contribute to the family income....

  • 奥林巴斯将裁员2700人

    12-06-08 Olympus has announced a five-year plan that includes cutting 2,700 jobs. 奥林巴斯宣布将来未来五年之内裁员2700人。 The company said it planned to make a fresh start and go back to basics. Olympus lost 49bn yen ($618m; 400m) in the year to the end of...

  • 惠普将裁员27000人

    12-05-24 Hewlett-Packard, the world's largest maker of personal computers, is to cut 27,000 jobs by end of 2014. 世界最大的个人电脑生产商,惠普公司将在2014年年底之前裁员27000人。 The company said the cuts - about 8% of its workforce - will reduce costs by up...

  • Facebook估价约850亿至950亿美元

    12-05-04 Newly released papers from Osama Bin Laden's hideout reveal a frustrated al-Qaeda leader struggling to control an unruly network, the US military says. 美国军方称,奥萨马本拉登藏身之处的最新调查结果显示,一位沮丧的基地组织领导拼命控制着一个难以驾驭...

  • 美推出木乃伊安葬服务

    12-03-10 These are the modern day mummies. Already, more than 1500 people across the world have contacted Summum, the world's only mummification company, to be mummified after they die. 美国萨门公司推出全新安葬方式:把尸体制成现代木乃伊。全球已经有1500多人联...

  • 巴菲特已物色好接班人

    12-02-27 Warren Buffett has announced that he has a successor in mind to replace him as chief executive of his investment group Berkshire Hathaway, but he stopped short of revealing a name. 沃伦巴菲特宣布,他在心中已经有人选来代替他做比克希尔哈撒韦公司的董事...

  • 奥林巴斯前董事长被逮捕

    12-02-16 Former Olympus chairman Tsuyoshi Kikukawa and two other former executives have been arrested. 奥林巴斯前董事长菊川刚和其他两位董事被逮捕。 Mr Kikukawa is being probed for his role in the accounting cover-up at Olympus The firm is being probed for an...

  • 英国禁止公交司机用暧昧词称呼乘客

    12-02-11 A bus company is warning drivers to not call passengers 'babe' in a bid to avoid lawsuits from offended women. 英国一家公交公司提醒司机,不要称呼乘客亲,以防认为受辱的女性起诉。 Brighton Hove Buses posted warnings to drivers in its head offices afte...

  • 脐带干细胞能转化为其它细胞

    12-01-18 For the first time ever, stem cells from umbilical cords(脐带) have been converted into other types of cells, which may eventually lead to new treatment options for spinal cord injuries and multiple sclerosis(多发性硬化) , among other nervous sy...