• 《机器人总动员》序

    22-12-14 In the vast regions of outer space, beyond the twinkling lights of a million stars, a murky, smog-covered Earth floats lonely and silent. The deepest oceans are all but dried and gone. What had once been blue sky is now a dust-choked brown that can...

  • a sorry sight 悲惨的景象,惨相

    22-12-01 短语 a sorry sight 可以用来形容人或物。形容人时,它多表达 一副惨兮兮的样子,一副可怜相;形容物时,它指 悲惨的景象,糟糕的状况。 例句 After her hike in the mountains, she returned home looking a very sorry sight soaking wet and covered in mud! 在去山...

  • 《赛车总动员》第21章

    22-11-16 Lightning was giving the race everything he had. He was tight on Chicks tail, but Chick was doing everything in his power to block Lightning. There was the grind of scraping metal as the two cars rubbed together. No, you dont Chick snarled. Just the...

  • Of Human Bondage 人性的枷锁 Chapter 25

    22-07-18 The oddest of Philips masters was his teacher of French. Monsieur Ducroz was a citizen of Geneva. He was a tall old man, with a sallow skin and hollow cheeks; his gray hair was thin and long. He wore shabby black clothes, with holes at the elbows of...

  • 怎样安全吃西瓜

    22-07-04 对于完整的西瓜,食用前用冷水清洗,去除泥土和残留,再用干净的布或纸巾擦拭干净。 For whole watermelons, run cold water over watermelon. Wipe the outside to remove any dirt or residue and pat with a clean, dry towel or paper towels. 对于市面上预切的或...

  • do an about face 转身,转向来的地方

    22-05-09 Do an about face Definition: turn around, return to where someone came from 定义:转身,转向来的地方 Id like you to do an about face and go clean your room! 我想你还是回去打扫下房间! As soon as I got to work I realized Id have to do an about face b...

  • 高级形容词 上

    22-03-22 洗炼 Terseness / Make Writing Succinct 精简词句,提炼要义。洗炼是一种文字干净、主旨鲜明的文学风格。 This term means that wording should be refined to highlight the essential message. Terseness is a mark of neat and thematically explicit writing. ▌...

  • 电动公交车:更环保的公共交通

    22-02-23 Richard Westcott, BBC Science and Technology Correspondent If we are going to clean up the air in our towns and cities, weve got to attract more people onto public transport. And that means getting rid of all those diesel buses chugging around. And...