• 春季大扫除的好处

    21-03-30 一年一度的春季大扫除是英国家庭长期以来的一项传统。然而,近年来,延续这个传统的家庭数量似乎在下降。 You may well have heard of the term spring cleaning: the act of giving your house a deep clean in the spring months. Even though, for many of us, that...

  • 罗马市政府用激光驱赶欧椋鸟

    21-02-08 In the Roman twilight, natures great dancers flock to the stage. 在罗马的暮色中,大自然的杰出舞者们涌向舞台。 The acrobatic twirls like wisps of smoke. 它们在空中矫捷地回旋,好似缕缕青烟。 A synchronised spectacle of breathtaking beauty. 群鸟齐飞,...

  • Energy in China's New Era 新时代的中国能源发展

    20-12-23 12月21日,国务院新闻办公室发布《新时代的中国能源发展》白皮书。白皮书介绍了新时代中国能源发展成就,全面阐述了中国推进能源革命的主要政策和重大举措。 The white paper, titled Energy in Chinas New Era, was released by the State Council Information Office...

  • 在国外餐厅用餐如何称呼"服务员"?

    20-10-14 如果你在国外餐厅用餐,可千万别叫服务员waiter,真的很不礼貌!大家都会认为你特别瞧不起服务员! 老外对服务员的称呼一般有以下两种: ① 一般在餐厅外国人习惯于说Excuse me Excuse me, could you please clean the table? 服务员,请把桌子收拾干净! Excuse me,D...

  • make a clean break with 一刀两断

    20-09-17 一刀两断,汉语成语,字面意思是一刀斩为两段(cut in two with one stroke of the knife),比喻坚决断绝关系。可以翻译为make a clean break with,break off all relations with。 例句: 与家庭一刀两断 Cut the knot from the family; break off all relations wi...

  • 北京冬奥会将完全使用清洁能源

    19-06-25 The 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics will be the first Winter Games in the Olympic history whose venues will all be powered by clean energy, reports Peoples Daily. 《人民日报》报道,2022年北京冬奥会将成为奥运史上第一次完全使用清洁能源的冬奥会。 From Jul...

  • 2019起海南公务新车需用清洁能源

    19-03-14 Chinas southernmost island province of Hainan requires all new vehicles for official business to use clean energy from 2019. 海南省政府要求2019年起所有公务用新车都要使用清洁能源。 The provincial government offices administration said Wednesday that...

  • 研究:做家务也能减肥

    17-09-21 Forget going to the gym or signing up for yoga, new research suggests you can stay in shape by simply doing the housework. 不用去健身房或者报瑜伽班啦,新的研究表明,你可以通过做家务保持体形。 A study by the Good Housekeeping Institute (GHI) found th...

  • 加州州长将参加清洁能源会议

    17-05-13 California Gov. Jerry Brown will travel to China to discuss clean energy policy with international leaders next month, his office announced Friday. 加州州长办公室周五宣布,州长杰瑞布朗将于下月访问中国,与国际领导人探讨清洁能源政策。 Hell attend an i...

  • Estimate 估算

    16-07-14 Mrs. Green was the manager of a large company and she frequently had to have meetings with other business people in a room in her building. She did not smoke at all, but many of the other people at the meetings did, so she often found the air during...