• 城市不是蝙蝠理想的生存环境

    11-06-01 In the treeless, flat Prairie, you'd think a city would provide a good home for bats who like to snuggle up(偎依) and roost in trees and buildings. But researchers at the University of Calgary made the surprising discovery that the urban landscape...

  • urban planning 城市规划

    11-03-18 Ancient capital aims big in urban planning --Shaanxi governor Yuan Chunqing unveiled an ambitious plan to build Xi'an into an international metropolis by linking it with the neighboring city of Xianyang. 古都城市规划志存高远陕西省省长袁纯清公布了一...

  • 雅典当选“最轻浮城市”

    11-03-05 The home of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle is the most flirtatious city of the modern world, a new study showed on Monday. 周一发布的一项新调查显示,苏格拉底、柏拉图和亚里士多德的故乡雅典当选为现代世界中的最轻浮城市。 Athens topped a World Flirtation...

  • 芝加哥市长:打造对中国最友好的城市

    11-01-23 美国芝加哥市市长理查德M戴利近日在接受专访时称,胡锦涛主席将芝加哥纳入访美行程是很重要的一件事。他表示要致力于将芝加哥打造成对中国人民最友好的美国城市,欢迎中国的游客和投资商到芝加哥。 Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley has pledged to make Chicago the fr...

  • 澳昆士兰暴雨已持续近一个月

    11-01-15 已经连续近一个月的暴雨和洪水使澳大利亚昆士兰州大部成为灾区,目前已有至少10人丧生,70多人下落不明。 Thousands of Brisbane residents have been forced to evacuate their homes as the city braces itself for its worst flooding in more than a century. Thou...

  • 澳城市布里斯班面临洪水威胁

    11-01-12 Up to 20,000 homes are now at risk in Brisbane, the Queensland state premier has said, as deadly floodwaters surge towards Australia's third-largest city. 澳大利亚昆士兰州州长宣称,洪水已经向布里斯班澳大利亚第三大城市蔓延,多达2万座房屋处于危险之中...

  • The Forbidden City 紫禁城

    11-01-05 The Forbidden City is located at the center of the city of Beijing. First built in 1406 and completed in 1420, the city served as the royal palace in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. During the Ming and the Qing Dynasties, 24 emperors lived here. Apart...

  • 圣路易斯被评美国最危险城市

    10-11-27 St. Louis has replaced Camden, New Jersey as the most dangerous US city, according to a study based on FBI crime data and released Monday. 周一发布的一项基于美国联邦调查局犯罪数据的研究显示,圣路易斯已取代新泽西州的卡姆登市,成为全美最危险城市。 St....

  • 全国性禁烟运动可显著降低孕妇吸烟率

    10-11-11 New research released today takes a look at birth outcomes and maternal(母亲的) smoking, building urgency for more states and cities to join the nationwide smoke-free trend that has accelerated in recent years. According to the new data, strong sm...

  • 世博词汇之其它

    10-11-02 one Axis and four Pavilions 一轴四馆 上海世博会主要场地可以概括为一轴四馆,分别为世博轴、中国国家馆、世博主题馆、世博中心和世博演艺中心。 water bus 水上巴士 2010年上海世博会园区选址在黄浦江沿岸滨水区,与水结缘。由23艘全新豪华游船和22艘渡轮组成的水上...