• 为什么城市会让人变得无礼?

    21-02-25 避免眼神交流、践踏私人空间等等,这些是不是城市居民粗鲁行为的范例?我们生活在钢筋混凝土建成的城市当中,是否已经不知不觉地变得心烦意乱、焦躁不安? I count myself lucky to live in the relative calm of the countryside, a safe distance away from the chao...

  • 广告产业的未来

    21-02-24 现代社会中,广告信息随处可见,这一产业的未来会有哪些改变?我们是否会迎来这样的一天:当人们走在城市的街道上时,一抬头就能看到映射在天空中高达200米的广告影像? Imagine a future where our streets are filled with ads 200m tall; where billboards change b...

  • 无人驾驶的空中出租车

    21-02-23 你有足够的勇气踏上 空中出租车吗?那么,如果这辆飞车连驾驶员都没有呢?事实上,建造出世界首辆无人驾驶的空中出租车正是一些公司期望达成的目标。 You know the feeling. Youre stuck in bumper-to-bumper traffic. Its going to be hours before you get home. As...

  • 首都城市

    21-01-02 Think of the UK and youll probably think of London. Picture France and youll no doubt conjure up images of Paris and its iconic Eiffel Tower. To many, capital cities define a country. Theyre often the seat of power, the economic and political hub an...

  • 英语比较级的用法

    20-12-14 怎样用英语说 A 比 B 好?哪个句式可以表示 越越?英语中的比较级 comparatives 用来对比两个事物的质量、大小以及行为方式等。除了 形容词 + -er/-ier 的形式以外,英语中还有其它句式和短语搭配可用来对事物进行比较。 1. Which of the following sentences is corre...

  • 发表个人观点时的用语

    20-12-13 1. ________ she will be the best person for the job. a) Lets see if b) If you see it like this c) My colleague said d) As far as Im concerned 2. In my ________, the best way to see a city is by bike. a) experience b) duration c) time d) existence 3....

  • start-up area 起步区

    20-09-14 起步区作为雄安新区主城区,肩负着集中承接北京非首都功能疏解的时代重任。起步区规划面积约198平方公里。未来,起步区将是北京疏解出的高校、科研院所、医疗机构、企业总部、金融机构、事业单位等的集中承载区。 The start-up area will be part of the Xiongan city...

  • 中国将把深圳打造成全球模范城市

    19-08-19 China is aiming to build its southern metropolis of Shenzhen into a global model city with distinguished competitiveness, innovation capability and influence by mid-century, according to a guideline supporting Shenzhen. The document supports the cit...

  • 成都发现一堵唐代古城墙

    19-05-22 Cultural researchers have recently discovered an ancient city wall dating back to the Tang Dynasty (618-907) in Chengdu, southwest Chinas Sichuan Province. 文化研究人员最近在四川成都发现一堵可以追溯到唐代(618-709年)的古城墙。 According to Chengdu...

  • 海南海文大桥开放通车

    19-03-19 The Haiwen Bridge opened to traffic Monday in the island province of Hainan as the first cross-sea bridge crossing active faults and the most earthquake-resistant bridge in China. 海南海文大桥周一开放通车,这是在活跃断层带上的第一座跨海大桥,同时也...